Women on my mind: Tg, Tf, Rc


A rush of warm air hit the back of Draven's neck, causing him to shiver from the temperature change. He took a look over his shoulder to see a cute blonde girl with glasses take a step onto the porch with him and the other two guys out there, too.
        "Mind if I had some?" She asked, extending her hand towards Draven's.
       Her voice caused Draven's stomach to flutter. He gave her a weak nod and handed her the blunt they were sharing. She took it from his hand gently and gave him a cute smile. The same smile that she gave him when he first moved into his new apartment complex.
        The smile that made him start crushing on his new neighbor. The smile made Draven feel like he was a 16-year-old high-school teen instead of the 28-year-old man he was today.
       Her eyes never left his as she took a puff and blew the smoke out of the corner of her mouth. She then gave Draven that same smile again,  making his stomach flutter once more. Usually, Draven had no problems asking women out, but there was just something about Alison that made him hesitant to do it.
         "I didn't know you smoked weed?" One of Draven's other neighbors named Cliff said.
       Allison gave him a little laugh and held her hand out for the joint again. "It's 2023 cliff. Who doesn't smoke weed?"
        Everyone out on the cold porch laughed at that, and Alison grabbed the joint and took another hit. She gave Draven that same smile for the third time and took one step closer to him. He felt his eyes widen in surprise, and he ran a hand through his brown hair nervously. 
         "Well, landlord Sampson doesn't smoke weed. He still calls it the devil's lettuce." Draven's other neighbor named Alfredo said.
      Draven couldn't help but laugh at the way Alfredo talked in broken English, but the weed was going right to his head already.  A sharp pain from Allison's elbow caused his laughter to stop quickly, and he gave her a sheepish look.
       She handed Alfredo the joint, "Well, it's a good thing he can't smell anything.  Especially himself." She said, making a disgusted face.
         Everyone on the porch laughed again, and Allison gave them a little wave and walked back into their apartment. The noise from the apartment's holiday party suddenly booked in all their ears when the door to the lower floor opened. Draven watched her head back into their building, wondering if he should follow.
        Alfredo handed Draven the joint, and he took one last puff from it. He handed it to the cliff and also headed back to the party. Across the room, he spied Allison talking with some of the other tenants of the building.  Strolling over to the cooler, Draven grabbed a beer and walked over to mingle with a crowd of his neighbors. 
          The conversation wasn't super stimulating, mostly just talking about plans for the holidays and work. The whole time, Draven watched Allison out of the corner of his eye. His mind raced on the subtle, flirting earlier on the porch.
         "Was she flirting with me?" He thought, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.
        He looked across the room again at her, just watching Allison talking to other people.


Draven took a big swig of his beer, the courage from the weed and alcohol compelling his thoughts. He had decided to go and flirt. See if she was truly interested in him. The first steps he took were a bit shaky, and he wasn't sure if it was his nerves or the beer. 
         "Oh shit!" He heard a woman cry and felt a liquid splash on his shirt. 
       It was warm, wet, and slightly sticky. Looking down, he could see red wine soaking into his shirt.  
       "I am so sorry." The woman in front of him said and started to dab his wet shirt with a dirty napkin. 
     "It's fine, it's fine," Draven said, recognizing the neighbor who spilled wine on him. 
         Her name was Taylor, and she was known to be a bit clumsy. She was pretty new to the building, too, and he didn't know much else about her. Only that she had many friends that would come by to her place. Women, men, sometimes both at the same time. The ongoing joke around the building is that she was secretly a pimp.

  "I'm so sorry, um..." she paused, clearly not remembering his name.
      " Draven." He said to her while flicking the red wine from his hands.
       "Oh! Yes, that's right." She smiled, "how could I forget a name like that?" 
          Draven just chuckled and walked over to grab some more napkins. "Shit..." He muttered under his breath, watching the red stain spreading over his white checkered shirt.
      " Is there anything I can do to help?" Taylor asked, her eyes meeting Draven's for the first time. 
        A sudden chill rushed down Draven's spine when he made eye contact. A flash of pain rushed through his brain. For a moment, it felt like his brain swelled, like it was pressing against his skull. Then, just as fast as the pain began, it faded, like it never was there. 
      "I'm uh...I'm going to go back to my room to change. Be right back." Draven mumbled, walking towards the elevators.
          The doors opened immediately, and he hit the 3 button to go to his floor. As the door was closing, he could see Taylor. Her eyes were watching his every movement. Rushing to his room, he saw out of the corner of his eyes when the doors closed again, that the elevator was heading back down to the ground floor.
      It took Draven about 5 minutes to clean the wine off his chest and throw his shirt in the sink so it wouldn't stain. A knock on the door startled him when scrubbing the shirt in the sink. Looking down at himself, Draven could still see wine dripping onto his jeans.
      "Shit!" He groaned and stepped out of his shoes and jeans.
         Another knock came from the door, and Draven walked over to his peephole to take a peek at who it was. "Maybe it's a Christmas present I ordered?" He mumbled and looked through the hole. 
       All he could see was blonde hair, and that the person was facing away from the door. Draven reached up to his door chain and secured it real quick. Then he cracked open the door and watched the person turn around. His jaw fell open at the sight, and his mind raced with confusion. 

   "Draven!" The woman on the other side of the door said, "I was wondering where you went?"
        "Allison?" Draven asked, his eyes roaming up and down her body.
       She looked different. Her hair was more vibrant, and full and her eyes shone blue. Her lips looked bigger and kissable. There was her body, and her boobs looked bigger. Not just push-up bras bigger, three cup sizes bigger. She was also wearing completely different clothes than what she was wearing earlier. 
       "Uh... yeah? It's me, Allison!" She beamed, "Can I come in?" 
         Draven opened his mouth to refuse, but he was hit by a strange feeling. He felt sweaty and his mind foggy. Blood rushed down to his cock and it grew to its full size. A smile spread across Allison's face when Draven undid the chain lock and opened the door for her. The feeling he had was lust, an almost primal feeling of needing to fuck the woman in front of him. 
        "Allison, I feel." Draven tried to say.
   "Shhhh! I know sexy." She whispered and ran her hands down his muscles. 
       A yelp came from her lips when Draven placed his hands on her shoulders. Spinning her around, he smashed his lips against her and she eagerly accepted his tongue. Draven's hands grabbed her breasts roughly through her blouse. 
        "Mmmmm! God you are going to taste so good." She moaned, her hand going to his boxers and grabbing his cock aggressively. 
         All he did was grunt in response, he was seeing red. It wasn't anger though, he just needed to have sex with this woman. It felt like if he didn't he would die. His fingers dug into her blouse and he ripped it from her body. 
       A loud moan left her lips when she felt Draven's hands pawing at her breast. Her hand went to his chest too, tracing his peck for a moment before giving him a pushback. The back of his legs smacked into his sofa and he fell over it rolled off of it and tumbled to the floor. 
       "Unf!" He moaned when his back hit the ground.
        All the air left his lungs, and he gasped for breath. He watched Alison slowly walk around the sofa and stripped out of the rest of her clothes. Kneeling she peeled off Draven's boxers and wrapped her fingers around his cock. 
      "Mmmm! God! Do I want to drain all your masculinity? " She purred and hovered her dripping pussy over his cock. "But I don't have the funds to pay for another reality spell."
       The word coming out of her mouth didn't matter to Draven. All he cared about was shoving his cock inside her pussy. He grabbed both her hips and pulled her down toward his dick. A satisfied grunt came from both of them when her tight, wet walls clamped around his dick.
      "Uh! Mmmm!" She moaned, "A perfect fit." 
    Draven just grunted in response, his mind feeling foggy and only knowing lust. His hips thrust upward, driving his hard member deep into the woman he had crushed on for so long. She moaned loudly and a strange mist began radiating from her skin. It looked something akin to the northern lights. Bright green, red, and purple lights danced across the room. 
       For a moment the fog in his mind began to clear and he paused in his thrusting. Allison sensed his hesitation and gripped his cock with her lower muscles and began to bounce up and down on his cock. Draven attempted to shake the fog from his head, knowing that this wasn't natural, it wasn't right. He watched the mist from her skin grow brighter, so bright it hurt to look at. On instinct, he shut his eyes and all he could feel was Allison bouncing on his cock. A warm feeling began to spread from the center of his chest, then to his crotch. Cracking open his eyes he could see the mist on Allison's body now looked even brighter. 
   The fog cleared from Draven's mind once more, "Allison?" He asked, seeing a strange orange, purple, and green mist coming off his body. 
       A pressure began to build in his balls and a panic started in his brain. "Alison? What's happening?" Draven croaked, his mind becoming clearer the closer he got to orgasm.  
        "Shhhhhh!" She moaned, her lower lips starting to squeeze his cock. "It will be all over soon."
       Draven felt his eyes begin to flutter with pleasure and he bucked his hips hard. Both of his balls tightened and he felt his dick explode, shooting its whole load right into Allison. The warm feeling in his chest also exploded into feelings of heat. It wasn't exactly painful, it was something akin to staying in a hot tub too long. He felt tired and sweaty. The colored mist coming from his chest glowed just as bright as Allison's. 
     "Nrgh! Ahhhh!" He cried, feeling his balls still spilling his seed into her tight pussy. 
        His eyes bulge when the mist coming from his chest began to get sucked towards Allison. It flowed right into her chest and she began to scream with pleasure. "Oh god! Draven!" She cried, "I don't know if I can stop, you taste so good!" 
        Draven felt his head beginning to spin and he felt almost sick. Whatever Allison was doing to him made him feel like he was going to pass out." Allison, please! I don't feel good!" He groaned, watching the mist still flowing from his body.
       "It's okay Draven!" She moaned, "just a bit more." 
       Tears fell from his face and he felt like his organs were moving. He looked down toward his body, trying to make it out through the bright colors. His breath hitched in his throat when he saw it. The skin on his chest was stretching out, it looked like he was growing breasts.  
      "Allison! Stop! Something is happening to me!" He cried, tears starting to run down his face. His hands gripped her hips, but he felt like he was drained like she was sapping away his strength. "Allison please stop! I'm scared!" 
        The mist stopped flowing from his body and time seemed to stop. Allison's eyes widened for a moment and her chest heaved forward. The glowing mist around her exploded outward causing Draven and her both to shut their eyes to the bright light. 
       "Oh fuuuuuuuck!" Draven moaned feeling all of his strength return.  
         The glowing mist that had been coming off of Allison's body began to flow into Draven's chest. He felt a rush of adrenaline course through his body. All the fatigue and awkward warmth in the room disappeared. 
     "Holy shiiiiiiiiitttttttt!" He groaned, his vision beginning to dim. 
      The last thing he heard was Allison gasp, "No fucking way?"
       The light peaked through the blinds and landed harshly against Draven's eyelids. His eyes fluttered open and slowly took in the light pouring into his bedroom. 
        "Wait...what?" He groaned, the memories of last night still fresh in his mind. 
        His hands flew to his chest, expecting to find the two mounds of flesh he saw growing. Both hands were met with only his familiar-shaped pecks. His hand then began to explore the rest of his body, finding everything to be just the way it was when he got to his room last night. 
       Draven swung out of his bed and noticed that his boxers were back on too. He waddles into the living room, looking for any evidence of last night's encounter. The last thing he remembered was passing out on the floor after the strange-colored mist from Allison's body started to rush into his body. 
        "How did I get into my room?" He whispered to himself. 
         A tinge of pain spread across his guy for a moment. Placing his hand on his stomach he felt the dull ache of an empty stomach. For the moment Draven just shrugged off the events of last night, and focused on what his body wanted...food. 
      Quickly he made and consumed a bowl of oatmeal and banana. On a normal day, this would have filled him up. When he finished though he still felt hungry. He ate another banana, wondering if maybe because of the party he was a bit hungrier. After the second banana, there was a third, then a fourth. He would have gone for a fourth but he was out of bananas. Going into his pantry he found one more package of oatmeal and made another bowl. After he scared that down he still felt hungry.
      It was like none of the food was satisfying his hunger. The hunger confused Draven because it was nothing like he had ever felt. Even the munchies from Weed didn't feel like this. 
       It was a dull ache and every once in a while, there was a flash of pain. Like his stomach was twisting itself into a knot. He wonders if he is becoming sick or maybe he has some kind of food poisoning from the party. 
       He knew deep down that these weren't the issues. The event of last night played through his head again. Something strange happened to Draven and he needed to talk to Allison. So he quickly cleaned himself up and got dressed.  
       When walking into his bathroom to clean up he saw that his wine-stained shirt was still sitting I'm his sink. His gaze lingered on the shirt for a moment. It almost felt like the event of last night was some kind of crazy dream, but he knew it was real.
        Once dressed and cleaned up, he exited his room quickly went two doors down to Allison's, and gave the door a quick knock. He waited for about a minute and a half before giving the door another knock. 
    The door next to Allison's apartment opened, and their neighbor Matt stuck his head out. "Oh! Hey Draven, I thought you were knocking on my door."
       "Sorry Matt, I was just trying to get ahold of Allison. " Draven said, his eyes fixating on Matt. 
        He was about the same age as Draven, and equally as handsome. He had short blonde hair and was muscular and tall. His 6'2 frame towers over Draven's 5'7. 

"Ah, I think Allison is already down at the boutique this time on Fridays," Matt said while leaning against his door frame.
      "Right, that's right," Draven said, feeling like he should have remembered that. "I guess I'll head that way then." 
       He nodded at Matt and caught a whiff of something coming from Matt's apartment. Draven's stomach rumbled, the smell coming from his apartment smelt like the best food ever. It was like all of Draven's favorite food was being made just past Matt's front door. 
      He stood there, taking in the smell coming from the apartment. For some reason he felt like he needed to go into Matt's apartment, Draven knew whatever was in that apartment would satisfy his hunger. 
        "What? " Draven croaked out, " the smell almost caused Draven to pass out. "What are you making in there?" 
      Matt gave him a confused look, "I just made a bowl of cereal?" 
       It was Draven's turn to give him a strange look. The smell was coming from Matt's apartment, he knew it was. Their eyes met for a moment and Draven felt like he could see something. 
     "Draven?" Matt asked, feeling a little pressure in his skull when Draven made eye contact with him.
       Draven continues to look into Matt's eyes, the amazing smell still filling his nostrils. The more he looked into Matt's eyes the more he knew what he needed. He needs Matt, he knows Matt will make the hunger go away. 
     "Draven you good dude?" Matt said, breaking eye contact with his neighbor and shaking off a small headache that was developing.  
      Draven snapped back into reality when Matt broke eye contact. "Um, yeah I'm good." He lied, "I'll see you later Matt." 
         Draven quickly walked away and made his way to the elevator. The thought that just went through his mind scared him. There was also a part of him that wanted to explore what that feeling was, and that scared him even more.

"I need to talk to Allison." He mumbled to himself and began the walk to the boutique where she worked. 
       It took him 5 minutes to walk to the boutique. Through the front window he spied Allison, and they made eye contact. She smiled at him and he smiled back and went inside.
      "Well, this is a surprise." She beamed.
   "Hi Allison, how are you doing today?" He asked, not exactly sure how to bring up what happened last night. 
       "I'm doing good Drey." She replied, "What brings you in?"
      "You." He blushed, the words coming out of his mouth before he could even think. 
       She blushed in response and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night." Draven then said.
       Allison looked confused, not exactly sure what Draven was trying to say. "What about last night?" She asked and adjusted her glasses. 
     "Well, I guess more specifically about when you came to my room." Draven began but was quickly cut off by Allison. 
     "Wait Draven, I never came to your room last night." Allison laughed, thinking that Draven was just joking around. 
     Draven's brain stumbled for a moment, wondering if Allison was serious. "No, remember when Taylor spilled wine on my shirt?" Draven explained, "You came up to my room later and..."
      "Drey, I never came up to your room. The last time I saw you was when Taylor spilled wine on you." Allison exclaimed, "Did you smoke too much last night? It's okay if you did." 
       Draven was dumbstruck, last night had elements of some kind of trip, but he knew for a fact it happened. He knew he had sex with Allison, and something strange happened to him. There was no way it was some kind of trip, weed had never made him trip. 
         "Drey? Are you okay?" Allison asked.
    "I...uh." He mumbled and looked into Allison's eyes. 
        She looked concerned, but there was something else. Her eyes, weren't as blue when she came up to his room. Come to think of it, even her boobs were smaller. Something just didn't add up, who was the woman in his room last night? 
       I'm sorry Allison, I..." Draven started to say but just fled the store. 
     On his way home, he stopped to get some burgers and fries. He devoured two burgers and three medium fries. However, after finishing the last of his fries, fear ran through his veins. He realized that he was still hungry.
      Draven's next few weeks were tough. The holidays came and went like a flash. Despite his efforts to maintain his normal routine, he feels like his body is betraying him, and it's taking a toll on his physical and emotional health. He's been experiencing a constant hunger that leaves him feeling weak and sick. He's tried everything he can think of to ease the hunger, but nothing seems to work. Sadly, when Draven reached out to his doctor for answers, they dismissed his concerns and suggested that it was all in his mind. This left Draven feeling hopeless and lost. Draven needs help, and understanding, of what is happening to him.
        There was one thing that scared Draven. It was the interaction he had with Matt the first day after his encounter with the fake Allison. He felt like he just needed to see Matt, that if he did maybe he wouldn't be hungry any longer. 
      Draven was walking home from the grocery store. His bags were filled with more exotic foods that he wouldn't usually eat. Once he got off the elevator he saw Matt and Taylor talking to each other. That same smell immediately hit his nose, just like before. His whole body shuddered and he felt a pull towards Matt. 
        Taylor looked towards Draven, her eyes widened at the sight of him. They hadn't seen each other since the holiday party. The look on her face was full of surprise as if she had seen a ghost. 
   "Draven?" Taylor asked watching him walk by them.
       Draven just gave the two of them a small wave, trying to concentrate on not giving in to the urge to look at Matt. His brain was screaming at him, just to make eye contact with him, If he just made eye contact with him he would feel better. 
        "Dang Draven! You feeling okay?" Matt asked, his voice sending shivers down Draven's spine. 
       He could not help but look over his shoulder to reply. "Yeah, I'm just a little sick." He groaned, and his eyes met Matt's. 
       When their eyes met, Draven felt his heart skip a beat. Right then and there he knew Matt could help him, and that the intoxicating smell was coming from Matt. Time seemed to stop and Matt felt a light pressure in his skull. 
      Draven knew that Matt could help, but he needed to be different. Matt wouldn't help him if he looked like this. They broke eye contact and Matt gripped the side of his head. 
      "Sorry, I gotta..." Matt started to say and saw Draven scurry into his room. 
       Draven slammed his door and dropped his groceries on the floor. He felt flushed and...hungry. There was something else too, he could still feel Matt's presence. It was like his brain was teacher to his and it was telling Draven what he needed to do. Specifically what he needs to do to eat.
      Slowly he shut his eyes, letting the tether to Matt's mind tell him what he needed to do. Even though Draven was terrified, he was also desperate. He shrugged off his coat and walked into his kitchen. Leaning against the counter Draven looked down at his hands.
       They were large, small dark hair on the knuckles and...white. The skin was too rough and his nails too short and unkempt. He concentrated on the link to Matt's mind and could see what he wanted. 
     His hands began to shift, his fingers thinning and his skin becoming softer. He watched his nails round out and look a little more polished. Then his skin began to darken to a honey brown. After they finished slimming down Draven took a good long look at his smaller hands. They were perfect now, perfect for Matt.  
     "Perfect." He whispered and trudged toward his bathroom. 
      He took a good look at his appearance knowing it wouldn't be good enough for Matt. His body was just too hairy and too tall. Then just like before, he changed. His body hair was pulled back into his pores, including the stubble on his face. 
        He then got a strange sinking feeling as his spine shortened two inches and his legs his legs another two, before stopping and leaving him at 5'3. Draven then stopped to admire the transformation, a part of his mind was screaming for him to stop. It knew this was unnatural and want right. Draven just didn't care anymore though, he was too hungry to care.
       Closing his eyes he linked with Matt's mind. He could see it, the perfect body Matt wanted, the thing that would help Draven feed.
       When he opened his eyes once more he could feel the changes spreading through his body. His mind knew exactly what he needed to look like for Matt. 
       As he transformed, his arms became thinner and shorter to match his new height. Additionally, he felt a slight stinging sensation on his right thigh, buttcheek, small of his back, left jaw, and upper back. At those locations, shapes and lines began to form, creating images of flowers and a large peacock. The tattoos then filled in with color, while his muscles slowly shrank away due to his physical activity.
Draven let out a groan of satisfaction, knowing he was becoming the person he needed to be. His body then jutted to the right as his hip exploded out. A sigh escaped his lips knowing that soon his left hip would follow suit. 
      Another loud crack sounded throughout his bathroom, and his left hip also exploded. Both his thighs began to thicken and round while the lower half of his legs thinned. Both of his feet shrank and his toe pedicure. 
       "Oh! Fuck!" Draven moaned, "Dats starting to feel good!" 
        The cock between his legs lengthened in response. The feeling of his changing body became exhilarating and he almost instantly came when his waist curved in. His soft feminine hands ran down his flat belly and teased the head of his engorged cock through his sweatpants. He could feel the skin across his body softening and his areolas started to expand and darken. 
       "Mmmmmm! Fuck! I'm fuckin feeling supa good now." Draven cried, feeling the skin on his chest beginning to stretch and bulge.  
       Unlike the last time his chest bulged Draven welcomed the change. It was as if someone attached a bike pump to his chest. With each breath, his chest pushed forward going from flat to A cups in seconds. From the neck down his skin began to darken, to match his hands it felt good to watch his white skin darken into a honey brown. 
      "Fuck *crack* yah! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Draven laughed, his voice shifting octaves for a moment. 
      For a moment his voice sounded higher pitched and a Bronx accent kept peeking through. Draven let out a moan of pleasure when he felt his tits expand into a B Cup. His cock shuddered and pulsed like he was letting out a massive load. Except nothing came out and Draven was hit by the greatest orgasm of his life.
        "Nah! Oh *crack* fuuuuuuuuck!" He cried and gripped the edge of the sink. 
     His voice had completely shifted to match the person that Matt wanted. A smile spread across his face when he heard his new voice moaning in pleasure. His hands rubbed his growing chest through his undershirt. Feeling the mounds of flesh expanding in his hands from C cups to D cups. 
        "This! Is! The fuckin shit!" Draven moaned.
      A tickling at the top of his head singled his hair growing. It started to flow out of his scalp. The straight locks curled slightly and the brown color darkened to black. It rapidly grew from his head becoming frizzy and full. It reached his chin in moments and the skin on his neck and head darkened to match the rest of his body. His face then began to shift, both of his cheekbones became more prominent and his chin shrunk. The rest of his skull became more oval and the bridge of his nose shrunk and thinned. The point of his nose shrunk and his nostrils widened.  
       The teeth in his mouth shifted and whitened and his jaw rounded. Draven watched his face shifting in the mirror, his eyes looked wider and his brow shifted up to give him a surprised look. His bushy brows thinned and his lips began to expand. His thin limps plumped into a cupid's bow and then went even further. They plumped up into bee-stung cocksuckers and he smack them together and let out a small giggle. 
        "Ha! Ha! Brrrrrrrr! Those look perfect!" He laughed and watched his frizzy hair touch the top of his d cup breasts.

His chest thrust forward and his breast grew to double Ds and his r back curved inward. Both of his shoulders shifted to be more sloped and pressure began to build in his cock and ass. 
       "Mmmm! Now give me that fat ass!" Draven laughed and turned around. 
     He put his hands on the wall and looked over his shoulder. His hip began to shake and he moved his small ass up and down. Muscle and fat began to build, his ass rou ding into a cure pert shape. 
     "Mmmm! Not quite there yet! Ha! Ha! Ha!" He laughed, watching his pert ass turn into a bubble butt.
     Draven continues to twerk his ass expanding larger and larger by the second. His cock began to twitch and pulse, sending waves and waves of pleasure through his changing body. The sound of the bathroom was filled with moaning and laughing. 
        His balls shrunk and a cleft formed beneath his dick. A womb began to grow causing Draven's eyes to roll into the back of his head, while his pussy bloomed under his cock. He shook his ass faster and faster it now growing into an absolute dump truck.
         "Yah! Yah! Yah!" Draven chanted, his cock shrinking into a sensitive clit. 
     His new pussy exploded with his first female organsm and Draven slid down the wall in ecstasy. She sat there panting and composing herself. Her transformation was over, now it was time to eat. 
She got to her feet and admired her form in the mirror. Her hand played with her frizzy hair. A mist similar to what came off of fake Allison's body began to co. e out of dravens skin. It spread across his body and in an instant he changed again. 
      The frizzy hair was straight and he was wearing a one-piece playboy suit. Makeup adorned his beautiful face his nails were painted red. She smiled again and strutted out of her room. His ass and chest jiggled and swayed to Matt's door. She knocked on the door and only waited a second before Matt came to answer it. 
      His face said it all and his jaw dropped. " Cardi B?" He gasped and his eyes dilated. 
      Draven just smiled and bit her lip. "I'm the flesh baby." She purred and ran her long red nails down his chest.

She pulled his shirt off his body and pulled his head down to smash her lips against his. Just like when Draven was with fake Allison, Matt was in a primal-like state. He grabbed Draven by the hips and the two began to aggressively make out. 

     It became a whirlwind of kissing and groping. Both of their clothes came flying off and Draven quickly found herself on her knees. She began to expertly work his cock and wrapped her plump cocksuckers around it. It was like she had been sucking dick her whole life. The way she expertly worked the head and licked under the shaft. 
       That same mist started to come from Draven's body and a similar one that came from Draven male form that night with fake Allison came from Matt. In an instant, Matt blew his load into Draven's mouth and the mist coming from his body flowed into Draven. 
         It was like he took a bite of the best-tasting burger in the world. When the mist flowed into his body. He needed more. Draven popped his lips off of Matt's still-hard cock and led him into his bedroom. With a light push, Matt fell onto the bed and Draven straddled him. 
       "Mmmmm! Aaaaaahhhh!" She moaned feeling his cock slide right into her wet ass pussy.
       Slowly she began to bounce up and down and felt Matt meet her by thrusting up. "Nah! Matt! I need more! " She moaned the mist around her body glowing brighter. 
       She bounced up and down faster, the way her fat ass cheeks slapped down on Matt's balls making the arousal start to crescendo. She watched the mist coming from Matt begin to flow into her again and she felt her body explode into absolute bliss. 
      "Mah! Fuck! Yah!" She screamed, multiple orgasms crashing over her.
     Her hands rested on Matt's chest and she continued to feed on him. At some point, she knew she didn't need any more from him, but she couldn't help it. She wanted more. 
    The weeks of hunger and weakness weighed on her mind and she decided she would take her fill. More and more of Matt's essence flowed into her until she fiscally couldn't take any more. His hand pushed off of Matt's chest, feeling extra padding now beneath her palms.
      Popping off his dick Draven felt her mind return and she was horrified at what she saw. What once was Matt was gone, and a woman lay there moaning and stroking the cock between her legs.

 "What da fuck?" She whispered and stumbled out of his bedroom. New clothes materialized out of thin air and wrapped around her body. She couldn't help but let out a moan of satisfaction.  

    "God I feel so fucking good!" She moaned. 
      For the first time in weeks, she felt great, better than great. She felt amazing, but she was a woman. A famous woman at that and she fucked her neighbor. Fed of his essence? Then turned him into a woman with a dick?
     She left Matt's apartment and immediately bumped into someone. It was another woman, but not just any woman. It was her, or a different version of her.

   "No way!" She gasped and the two identical women stared at one another. 
      The other Cardi B pushed past Draven and instantly went into Matt's apartment. After a couple of moments, she came back out and closed the door. 
    "At least you didn't drain him completely. He might forgive you for that." She said and grabbed Draven's hand.
      She led him to the elevator and pushed the down button. "I don't know how this happened Draven, but we are gonna get answers. " She said, and a boreal mist engulfed her body. In an instant, the other Cardi B was gone, and in her place was Taylor. 
       "Taylor?" Draven gasped, putting together that she must have been the fake Allison. 
      Taylor grabbed Draven hand again and pulled him into the elevator. She grabbed a strange-looking key from her purse and pushed it into a keyhole that appeared on the button panel. With a twist, a blue vortex opened in front of both of them where the doors to the elevator once stood. 
        She grabbed Draven's hand once more, but Draven pulled away. "I am not stepping into that thang till you tell me what's happening. What you did to me." 
      Taylor cast her eyes down and then looked up to meet Draven's. "The short of it is I was cursed about 400 years ago. For falling for a man I could have. The witch was cruel and made me become whatever men desired, but I had to feed off them. Their masculinity."
       "That's the craziest shit I've heard," Draven replied and flicked her hair over her shoulder. 
       "Drey, you are the spitting image of Cardi B." Taylor retorted. 
     Draven just nodded and let her continue. "Somehow I passed the curse onto you. I'm not sure how, but I did."
      Draven nodded again and looked towards the vortex. "What's through there?" She asked.
       "Answers." Taylor replied, "She is the most powerful person I know." 
     Taylor held out her hand and Draven took it. They both walked through the portal and emerged into what looked like an antique shop. Draven felt a wash of energy flow through her and he was smack into his male body. 
       Behind the desk was a woman. She had a strange tingle in her eye. "Taylor, Draven so good to see you both." The woman purred.
       "Ms. Diamond. I...you already know him?" Taylor asked. 
      "Oh yes. I know Draven well. He is quite a curious person." She said, her eyes looking right at him.
      "My curse, it somehow passed to Draven. I didn't know how but it did." Taylor explained. 
       Ms. Diamond got to her feet and walked toward Draven. Her hands ran over his shoulders and she looked right at him. She placed her hand on his forehead and it glowed a bright purple. 
       "How curious?" She said.
 "Is there any way to fix him?" Taylor asked.
      Ms. Dimond shook her head, "No, the curse is an exact copy of yours. The dark magic flows through him. I cannot fix him." 
     "How?" Draven finally asked, "How did this happen to me?" 
     "Draven, you are indeed a curious case," Ms. Diamond said, smacking her lips together as her eyes met his. "In every universe, in every timeline where I have seen you, for some reason, you become a woman. It's a constant, and I'm not sure why."
   "Are you saying I become a woman in every parallel universe and timeline?" Draven asked, feeling like he was in a science fiction movie.
      Ms. Diamond nodded again, "Sometimes willingly. The universe is a mysterious place. Even I don't have all the answers." 
      "Okay, so what happens now?" Draven asked with a hint of desperation in his voice. "I can't go on living like this, I've ruined my neighbor's life."

"I can make him think he has always been like that and alter reality as well," she said calmly. "But you will need to be careful and not drain your next meal."

Draven let out a frustrated sigh. "So you can do all that, but you can't change me back."

"I'm afraid not," she replied with a regretful expression. "But I know you, Draven. You are resilient and will overcome this. I am sorry this curse fell upon you, just like I feel sorry for Taylor."

Draven raised his hand, "Okay, I get it. But can you please promise me that you won't stop looking for a way to fix us?"

"I promise," she replied, her eyes conveying her sincerity.
    4 months later.
    Draven sat at the bar nursing his beer. His eyes lingered on a young man across the room. Just waiting for his eyes to meet his. The man finally looked up and met Draven eyes.
      "Got him." He whispered to himself and felt his mind tether with his.
     The image of a woman entered Draven's mind and he walked towards the women's restroom. He slipped into a stall and concentrated on the form. The boreal mist flowed over him and he had to cover his mouth so his moans wouldn't be heard by the entire bar. 
      The changes were orgasmic like always and he rode them out till he felt his penis bloom into a pussy. He walked out of the stall and fished his phone from his purse. 

"Mmmmm! Hello you?" Draven purred taking a photo of her new body. 
       She saved the picture into a folder with pictures of all the other women he had become. Walking out of the bathroom he spied the man that wanted this body. "Dinner time." She giggled and swayed towards her meal.


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