I'm a Barbie girl


Three beads of sweat dripped down Draven's forehead, and his left eye instinctively closed so they wouldn't drip 8nto it. Reaching forward, he grasped his slightly damp towel and wiped his brow. 

     "Just a couple more steps." He murmured and pushed himself through the soreness in his legs to continue his workout.

      Climbing the last few steps was tough, but that's what it was all about. Gently, he climbed off the stair stepper and wiped the equipment down. Draven whipped his sweaty brown hair with his towel and gave the public gym he was at a little glance.

      On Tuesdays in the afternoon, it was pretty quiet.  There were a couple of people he recognized.  He saw Terry in the corner dead deadlifting by himself. He was a pretty big guy, your typical gym bro, all muscles and blonde hair, handsome. It wasn't that strange to see him though he practically lived here and was always trying to convince Draven he needed to bulk up more.

   Though Draven thought his body was fine for his 5'7 "stature. It was fit, and that was just how he wanted it to be. He didn't want to be a huge hulking dude, bro. He glanced around more and saw Ron walking slowly on a treadmill.  He was a bit on the heavier side, and his look screamed comic nerd.

     He was relatively new to the gym, started around January, and kept up with coming back, unlike a lot of people who make the gym a resolution. Draven thought the guy was pretty nice, and he was making headway on his weight. 

     For a moment, he just watched Ron slowly trudging along on the treadmill, his head looking up every once in and while to glance towards the last member who was I'm the gym.

        It was Kelly, the gym, very own, Barbie. She was what you would expect when you hear the name Barbie.  Long blonde hair, perfect tits, as,s and legs. Beautiful face, her makeup was always done perfectly, and she always wore bright, vibrant colors. Draven, too, admired her for a moment while she did her squats. Though he quickly looked away when Kelly turned her head and caught Draven's eye.

     He saw her plump lips turn into a smile, and Draven quickly tried to act like he was just looking for what his next workout would be. His feet meandered towards Terry, who was taking a drink out of his ridiculously sized water bottle.

      "Yo Draven!" Terry said, his large form looming over Draven's. 

    "Oh hey man!" Draven said and took another glance toward Kelly to see if she was still looking his way. 

     She wasn't and was back to working on her already perfect backside. Terry's huge hand rested on Draven's shoulder, and he felt him squeeze a little. "She's pretty amazing, right?" He said, following Draven's gaze.

     "Uh yeah, she's a bit much, though, right?" Draven said, knowing Kelly was way out of his league. 

     "What does that mean?" Terry asked, his hand leaving his shoulder. 

    "I don't know she's like too pretty. She's like the perfect woman who will always be out of reach. " Draven explained. He saw Kelly's head turn toward their direction, but there was no way she could hear them.

      "You never know, man. It could be like all those sitcoms." Terry laughed.

    Draven gave Terry a look, "So am I the slob husband in this scenario?"

      Terry laughed again, and Draven felt a little hurt by that. He always found himself pretty attractive,  so being compared to Jim Belushi kinda of hurt his pride. 

      "I hear she is super rich too. I'm not sure what her job is, though?" Terry stated, "You into sugar mommies?"

     Draven couldn't help but laugh at that, but again, there was something about Kelly that he wasn't into. "I don't know, man, the whole Barbie look and lifestyle is just not for me. I just don't get the appeal. " He said and looked back towards Kelly. 

       She was looking right at him now, a look that sent a strange shiver down Draven's spine. Draven was confused because the look she was giving him was as if she had heard the whole conversation. It wasn't a look of anger or frustration as she had overheard them. It was a look of curiosity, almost like she was planning something. 

      "Oop! I think she heard us." Terry chuckled and gave Draven a pat on the back and walked away. 

      Kelly was making her way towards Draven now, her hips swaying with each step. The look of curiosity was still on her face, and Draven didn't know what was about to happen.

     "Hey, Draven." She said, her breathy voice giving him goosebumps.

     "Oh! Hey Kelly. " Draven replied, watching her look past him and pull out her phone.

      She stood there, snapping pictures of herself in the gym mirror that spanned the wall.  So he just stood there and watched, not sure if she was going to grill him about talking about her with Terry or what.  When she finished taking pictures, she turned to look at Draven, her eyes roaming up and down his body. 

     "So...not into the Barbie girl lifestyle, huh?" She said slowly, her eyes still fixed on Draven's body. 

    "I ....uh," Draven mumbled, feeling the heat of embarrassment creeping into his cheeks.

      His heart was beating faster, and he felt a wave of adrenaline running through his veins.  "Don't knock it till you try it, Draven." She said and approached him. Then she ran her fingers down his chest, "You're a cute guy, Draven, and I'm sure you'll make a great Barbie yourself. 

      "Wha? Huh?" Draven checked out, confused by her statement. 

     He watched her walk over to her gym back, and she dug around in it for a few seconds. She pulled something out of it and walked back towards Draven. "Here, your first doll. I'm sure you'll turn out great."

      In her hands was a Barbie. This made Draven's heart, for some reason, beat even faster. His thoughts in his head tried to rationalize why she had it. 

    ~ she gets the Barbie comment a lot if she had this ready to go.~ he thought, while Kelly placed the Barbie into his hands.

    "I'll see you tomorrow, cutie, then we will decide what to do next." Kelly laughed and grabbed her bag. 

     She then just walked away, giving her perfect round ass a little shake just for Draven. Looking around, Draven saw that Ron and Terry were also watching Kelly leave both of their mouths slightly open. Ron closed his jaw and quickly shuffled over towards Draven, and followed. 

      "Bro, did she ask you out? Ron asked and looked down at the doll in Draven's hands. "What's up with the doll?" 

    Though Draven was still lost in his head and heard every third word from Ron's mouth. The word doll got through to him, and for the first time, he noticed the doll in his hand. His fingers closed around plastic and cloth. He could also feel hair brushing the back of his knuckles.  Slowly, his eyes gazed down at the doll in his hand. It was a Barbie doll, but not the blonde-haired one Draven was used to. 

      The Barbie had long red hair and wore a blue shirt with hearts on it and short shorts. Instinctively, he brushed back some of the red hair from the bar's face. Just like most Barbies he had seen, she had the same plastic body and face as most. She just had different hair, and her fave design was different. 

      "Yo, bro!" Terry shouted, giving Draven's shoulder a shake. "You all right?" 

      ~Am I?~ he thought to himself, ~that while the encounter was super bizarre right?~

    "Uh... yeah I'm good, I think I'm gonna head out." He said and went towards the locker rooms to grab his bag. 

     "So what did she say to you?" Ron asked, shouting after Draven as he slowly walked away. 

     He did not answer, though. Both of his legs just carried him forward, and his body just was on autopilot. Usually, he would take a shower and change out of his workout clothes, but he didn't. Everything felt off, almost like he had a fever, and the world around him felt blurry. 

     "See yah guys," Draven mumbled when he walked out of the locker room and past Ron and Terry, who were muttering between the two of them. 

     He just trudged along to his car and drove back to his apartment.  The whole way the Barbie doll with red hair was either in his hand or lap. Draven just kept replaying the word Kelly said to him in his head over and over and over again. When he finally made it to his apartment, he just threw his gym bag on the ground and stripped out of his sweaty clothes. 

       "What the fuck is wrong with me?" Draven murmured, while he tugged into the bathroom to relieve himself.

     He felt sick, and all he wanted to do was lay down and sleep. When he looked in the mirror he saw his normal self. It was still the same 28-year-old, brown-haired, brown-eyed man looking back at him. His skin did look more pale and clammy. 

    "Why do I feel so off?" Draven whispered to himself. 

    His eyes flicked towards the Barbie doll where he lay it. Kelly gave it to him and then after that he felt off,  he wondered if that was the cause. But what did she do to it, poison it or is it something else? 

      Carefully Draven picked the doll up with the tips of his fingers and tossed it in the trash. Then he slowly waddles over to his bed and flops onto it. Dravens body craved rest. Even though it was only the early evening, all he wanted to do was sleep.

      There were no dreams that accompanied Draven's sleep. It was more like he fell asleep and a minute later he was awake. Slowly his eyes opened, weary and still tired. Whatever was wrong with him must have gone away in the night because Draven felt great. He pushed himself off the bed noticing that the sheet and comforter were different. They were softer and a bright pink color.

    "What the fuck?" Draven mumbled, his eyes still adjusting to the morning light coming through the window. 

      Glancing around he noticed his whole bedroom was different. The walls were a nice shade of purple. The room was also just bigger in general.  Everything about the room screamed high-end. From the table side lamp to the vanity he saw across the room. 

      Draven got to his feet, his mind a jumble of questions. ~I was sick, right? I didn't go to any girl's place~ he wondered to himself.

     But it was the only logical explanation of how he would be in a room like this. He must have gone to some girl's place. He walked over to the huge walk-in closet, seeing hundreds of different shoes, pants, skirts, tops, dresses, and outfits. Whoever lived here clearly had the money for a lot of clothing.  He then looked around the bedroom for any of his clothing but came up with nothing.

      "Hope she doesn't mind me naked..." Draven laughed to himself, "Maybe my clothes are in her bathroom. "

    Draven decided to investigate this apartment further because the identity of the woman wasn't going to be found in this bedroom and neither were his clothes. He decided if she was out in the main living area he would just play it like he got black-out drunk and couldn't remember last night. 

      He paused though when he made it to the bedroom door. Right in front of it stood the doll Kelly gave him last night. It wasn't sitting on the ground either. The doll was stood up on its legs.

     "Creepy..." Draven joked to himself, trying to make himself feel better about the situation. 

       Because Draven was scared now. The way the doll was standing perfectly upright blocking the door was an extremely frightening sight. Carefully he picked the doll up and flung it towards the bed. What made his heart stop when the doll stopped its trajectory in mid-air? 

      "Holy shit!" Draven gasped, watching the doll just floating there.

      The doll straightened itself out so its backside was now facing Draven. The clothes it was wearing also seemed to evaporate into thin air leaving the doll naked. It then flew right toward him hitting him in the chest. The doll then started to melt into his chest.

    "What the fuck! What the fuck!" Draven yelled, watching the doll sinking into his skin.

     He grabbed at the arm of the doll trying to pull at it as it sunk further into him. The smooth plastic slipped right through his fingers and the doll finished its journey into his body. 

     "Holy fuckin shit!" Draven screamed watching the doll disappear into his skin.

      His hand frantically dug at his chest trying to see if he could get the doll out. As he searched his chest an intense tingling buzzed through his scalp. The hair on the top of his head began to rapidly grow. The short brown hair got smoother and thicker as the strands flew down past his ears. 

     Draven felt the hair tickle the back of his neck and shoulders. He stopped pawing his chest and reached up to grab the extending locks. "Huh?" He gasped audibly when his hands grasped his longer hair.

    It felt softer and fuller, the ends of it still the color brown he was used to. The new growth though was a familiar ginger color that he had seen before.

     "This isn't possible how is this happening?" Draven muttered in fear. 

      His hair grew until it reached his belly button, the soft locks teasing his bare skin giving him goosebumps.  Draven just stood there, his hands running through the soft hair. " this has to be a dream." He told himself.

      ~ then there was the strange room he was in and the fact that his new hair looked like...the Barbie dolls.~ He thought to himself.

      With that thought, he bolted for the door but was quickly stopped by a strange cramping sensation in his legs.  "Oooofffff!" Draven moaned when his chest hit the floor.

     His new ginger hair flew around widely and covered his face. He flailed around trying to get the long hair out of his eyes. "Ugh, fuck all this *crack* hair!" Draven growled, his voice cracking like he was going through puberty. 

      The bones in his legs began to change. The feeling was kind of painful, kind of like growing pains when he was in middle school and early high school.  He flipped on his back, his new ginger hair tumbling down and sending a shiver up his spine. 

       While Draven fumbled with his hair, his legs changed. The bones thinned and shrunk three inches. His muscles also shrank, the work he did on his legs yesterday at the gym disappearing in seconds.  

     Draven finally got the hair out of his face. The pain in his legs caused him to groan in moan in pain but it wasn't unbearable.  His eyes just watched his legs, seeing his skin pale and the pores in his legs ejecting his body hair.  "No *crack*fucking way!" Draven gasped, seeing his feet and toes shrinking into something more soft and feminine. 

      Both of his thighs plumped up, becoming softer and rounder. "Oh!" Draven chirped, feeling his balls being squeezed by his new feminine thighs. 

      Draven ran his hands down the skin of his soft legs, the uncomfortable pain fading away in his legs. The last thing to change where his toned calves. The shrunk down, still looking fit, but smaller.

      "I'm changing." He murmured to himself, "My body*crack* is changing to match*crack* the dolls"

      Draven wasn't an idiot, the ginger hair was a dead giveaway.  His body was becoming more feminine he could feel it now all across the male bits that were unchanged.  He could feel the strange uncomfortable pain in his arms, hands,  chest, back, and hips. 

  *Crack! Crack!*


     Both of Draven's hips widened suddenly, "Oh *crack* fuck!" He screamed out, his hips widening being the most painful so far. The changes seemed to be speeding up too. The bones in his arms shrinking and thinning.  The muscles he worked on in his arms, chest, back, and belly all shrunk and faded away. 

       Draven flipped onto all fours and crawled toward the bed in the room. His body felt uncomfortable and he wanted to lay on something soft instead of the itchy carpet. His finger gripped the edge of the bed frame. Hey struggled to hold on when his fingers began to shift and change. 

      Each one grew longer and thinner. The nail on the end rounded and became clearer. The rest of his hand shrunk down and Draven was finally able to pull himself up.

     He laid his chest onto the soft comforter, his breath coming out faster. He could feel his ribs shrinking and his spine losing an inch of length. His skin buzzed, his pores ejecting the body hair across his body. 

       "Jesus Christ just *crack* be done *crack*already." Draven groaned, Adam's apple shrinking down and his voicebox finished tightening. 

         The voice that left his lips was completely different.  It was higher and had a silk smoothness to it. "My voice!" He gasped, his feminine hand grasping at his smooth neck. Draven shoulders shifted and sloped, the muscles and fat then began to redistribute across his torso and back. "Holy shit! My voice is hot!" He exclaimed, feeling his dick stirring at the sound of it.

       His hard dick brushed against the edge of the soft comforter sending small jolts of pleasure through his body while it changed. Draven could feel a strange squeezing sensation in his midsection.  His belly becoming flatter and the muscles he worked on in his abs diminishing. When his waist curved into a more hourglass shape it felt like someone was giving him a tight hug around his midsection. 

     It felt like the air was sucked out of his lungs, and Draven frantically gasped for breath. "Shuuuuu! That felt weird!" He huffed.

     Draven pulled himself onto the bed some more, his hard cock grazing the sheets and comforter.  He shuddered and felt a strange pleasure sensation building inside of him. Just when he was about to turn to lay on his back an intense wave of pleasure rushed through his body.




    His ass expanded Instantly, going from its flat kinda muscled form to a cute round pert butt. Draven felt his penis flexing and twitching like he was expelling a huge load of cum. However, nothing came out because his balls were slipping up into his body. "Oh! Fuck! They feel...oh!" He moaned, his body now racked with pleasure. 

          The pleasure was so immense he could hardly notice his face changing.  His whole head shrunk down, so it matched his smaller body. Then his ears shrunk and his brow shifted higher. Draven's eyebrows then thinned and changed to a brownish/ ginger color. 

     Draven groaned and moaned, his feminine finger teasing his shrinking cock. He couldn't see it but underneath his new vagina was forming.  "Uh! Ho! Shit, this feels crazy!" He moaned, feeling an intense tingling from his nipples. 

       Both of his areolas expanded and breast tissue began to build in his chest. While this happened his face finished changing.  His irises went from brown to grey-blue. Then the lashes around his eyes extended. His nose didn't change much, his nostrils just got rounder and smaller. The teeth in his mouth shifted becoming impossibly white and his tongue shrunk to be cute and pink.  Lastly, his cheekbones and Jaw changed. His jaw became rounder and his square chin too. While his cheekbones became more defined and sharper.

       Draven finally realized his face was changing when a strange feeling of numbness passed over his lips. Running his tongue along them he felt them grow plumper and larger. His right hand was preoccupied with holding onto his shrinking dick, so his left hand came up to his face. It examined his changed face for a moment before his left hand traveled to his chest just in time to feel it expand rapidly.  


    Two modestly sized tits erupted from his chest causing Draven to squeal in absolute bliss, " Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!"  His tiny cock slipped from his finger and finished it change into a sensitive clit. Dravens new fingers tried to find its old faithful friend but instead grazed the lips of his new aching pussy. "Cruuuuu! Holy shit whaaaa?" He moaned.

        His finger gently explored the new anatomy, sending a jolt of pleasure through Draven's new body. Small changes were happening throughout his body while he explored his new pussy. "Oh fuck! This feels...mmmmmm!" He moaned, his finger gently probing his new hole. 

     His body had finished changing by now, but all Draven cared about was experiencing more of the feelings his new crotch could provide. He could feel his new pussy throbbing with need. The last part of the transformation got  Draven's motor running and he felt like he needed release. 

    ~I should be freaked out, but I'm so fucking horny. ~ Draven thought to himself. Or was it herself now?

      That didn't matter, all that mattered was his new pussy ached to be touched and he was going to touch it. His fingers grazed the puffy lips, sending a shiver of pleasure up his spine and down to his toes. Draven penis was never this sensitive,  he had never felt pleasure like this before. It was like it engulfed his entire body and that was just teasing his new part. 

      "Nruuuuhhh! This is so crazy!" He moaned, while his middle finger on his right hand dipped into his new flesh folds. 

     When he felt the finger enter his legs shook and his breast bulged.  The new mounds on his chest began to ache too, the nipples feeling extremely hard. His left hand reached up to grab his new tit, sending another wave of absolute bliss through his new female body. "Oh shit! Ahhhhhh!"

       Draven's soft sexy voice cried out loudly, the sound of it making his new pussy quiver and twitch. He pushed his middle finger in a little more, his new muscles gripping it while jolts of pleasure made his legs shake. Slowly he removed his middle finger from his wet pussy. The muscles gripped his finger tightly, his new lower anatomy loving the feeling of being filled. 

       Draven panted and used his middle and ring finger on his right hand and plunged them into his pussy. His pointer finger massaged the swollen outer lips while his left hand tweaked his nipples and squeezed his breasts. "Shiiiiiiiiitttttttt! Oh fuck! Mmmmmm! Shiuuuuuuuuh!" Moaned Draven, his new voice bouncing off the pink walls.

      The door to the bedroom creaked open but Draven didn't hear it. His eyes were buried rolling into the back of his skull from the feelings of his new body. A man crept into the room, he stood there watching Draven go at it. Draven was too busy to notice as the man crept a little closer, his eyes running up and down the female body Draven now possessed.  "Nuuuuuh! Shit! Mmmmmmm! Somethings coming!" Draven moaned, feeling pleasure building in him, almost reaching its peak. 

      Draven gasped when his thumb brushed up against his former penis. His eyes snapped open in surprise from the sensitivity of his new clit and he saw someone standing at the edge of the bed. "Oh fuck!" Draven screamed, seeing a large muscular man watching him get off.

      The man just smiled, "Oh sorry Barbie, I didn't mean to scare you." He said in a deep sincere voice. "I thought you were getting changed for the gym, Kelly's on her way."

      "Barbie? Wha?" Draven mumbled, his fingers still buried in his pussy. He tried to form a sentence. His mind was jumbled, thousands of questions going through his head. 


      "I'm sorry again Barbie I didn't realize you were being such a dirty girl" the guy laughed, not picking up on Draven's confusion. "You could have asked for my help you know.

     The man approached Draven putting both of his huge arms on either side of her body. He leaned down and stole a kiss from Draven's new plump lips. "Mmmmpppphhhh!" Draven gasped in surprise, feeling the man's lips mashing against his. 

      The man's tongue then saw Draven's surprise as an opportunity and I took the plunge into his mouth. The man's tongue gently brushed against Draven's, trying to prod it to life. But Draven was still in shock, from changing into a woman, then the new feeling of his body, and now a man was trying to make out with him.

       Draven felt the man's rough hand then grab at his breast causing him to squeal into the man's mouth in pleasure.  This got his motor running again and the shock from everything faded away. Draven mouth finally responded to the man's advances and returned the kiss. At this moment he didn't care about anything more than feeling good. 

     "Mpppppph!" Draven moaned into the kiss, feeling his tongue dance with the strangers. The kiss felt electric now, his new plump lips were more sensitive.  The way the man played with his new tits and the feeling of his boxer cover dick rubbing against his wet pussy made the kiss feel so good.

      The man broke the kiss and started to kiss Draven's neck.  "I think we still have time before Kelly gets here." He said between kisses.

      Kelly, the name bounced around in Draven's head for a moment, but all he cared about was the feeling this new body gave him. "Oh fuck!" Draven cried out, feeling the man's wet mouth on his nipple. He brought his hands up and gripped the back of the stranger's head, keeping his mouth from leaving his tit. 

      The man continued to lock and suck, and Draven felt the man's hand playing with his wet pussy. "Oh mmmmmmmm! Shit, that's ahhhhhhh!" Draven moaned and groaned, lost in the feeling of his new form. 

Ding! dong!

    The sound of the doorbell sounded through the closed door of the bedroom. The stranger lifted his head from Draven's boob, a look of disappointment on his face. "Shit, Kelly's here early." He grumbled. 

       Draven heart shattered for a moment, he was so close to something. His body needed this man's touch to get him over the edge. Why was he pulling away?

     Draven hands wrapped around the man's head and pulled him into another kiss. He needs release he needs this person to help him. He began to grind his wet crotch against the man's strained boxers, wanting him to take them off and put that thin inside his new aching hole.

Ding! Dong!

    The sound of the bell rang through the other room again. The stranger breaks the kiss and smiles at Draven. "Barbie I really want what you want baby. But Kelly is here and you know she hates to wait.

       ~Do I know that?~ Draven thought, his body still incredibly horny "All I know is that I need to get off~

     Draven went in for a kiss again but the man moved his head out of the way and pulled out of Draven's grasp. He was way stronger than Draven and for the first time, Draven felt vulnerable in this new form. "God you are feisty today babe." The stranger laughed and he got to his feet. "Rain check after your workout babe, I like it when you are all sweaty from the gym. It's hot." 

      The stranger started towards the door of the bedroom and looked back at Draven. "I'm going to go let Kelly in, you should clean up and get ready." Draven just nodded and meekly got to his feet.

     He wobbled a bit, his legs still shaking from the feelings of pleasure. The stranger walked over to another Draven and gripped her hand. "I forgot how shaky your legs get baby." He said and kissed Draven on the cheek. 

      Draven just smiled at the man and nodded his head. "Uh yeah..." He said and the man helped Draven to the bathroom.  


Ding! Dong!

    The doorbell rang, this time sending a chill down Draven's spine. Kelly was on the other side of that door. His mind was now more clear since the transformation began. The woman who gave him the doll, the woman who turned him into this. "I'll grab your workout clothes and let Kelly in. I'm sure she'll want to do your hair anyway." The Stanger said, leaving Draven in the strange bathroom. 

      "Okay..." Draven squeaked and watched the stranger head toward what he guessed was the front door. 

     Draven heard him open the door and then heard the familiar sound of Kelly's voice. Quickly Draven shut the bathroom door and leaned against the sink. He felt his breast pulling down on his chest, causing him to look down at them.  Gently he cupped them and examined them for the first time. They were big to Draven and he looked towards the mirror for the first time.  


His mouth dropped open, seeing the beautiful face that he now had. Plump lips beautiful eyes, and gorgeous ginger hair. "Holy fuck! I'm hot." Draven gasped.

    His hands roamed his face taking in the details. Then he stepped further from the mirror and saw his body for the first time. It was smaller and thinner. With a nice breast on his chest and a cute butt. His hands left his face and roamed down his new form, taking it all in. 

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Draven jumped at the sudden sound and saw the stranger creek open the door. "I got your clothes Barbie. " He said and handed them to Draven. 

     "Uh, thanks...babe?" Draven said, trying to seem normal. He didn't want to freak out this stranger.

    He just smiled and moved out of the doorway and Draven saw Kelly standing right behind him. Once the strange was out of earshot Kelly spoke. "Hello Draven, you are looking absolutely beautiful today. Big upgrade." 

     Draven face fell into a cute scowl, "Kelly what the fuck did you do to me?" 

     "Helping you silly." She replied and entered the bathroom.  "You said you didn't understand the appeal of the Barbie lifestyle so I'm just trying to show you." 

       Draven eyes flew open wide, remembering the words he said to Terry just yesterday. "What you heard that? I..." Draven mumbled, "So you gave me some cursed doll?"

     Kelly nodded, "what better way to learn than to be an actual Barbie."

      Everything made sense now, the apartment the clothes, the name the stranger was calling him. "Wait...so I am Barbie now. Am I like a living doll?" He asked.

     "No nothing like that." She replied, "your just in a reality where Barbie is real, and you're her. Oh and sorry about the reality sickness last night. Changing reality for mortals fucks with your body health."

        "Reality sickness? Mortals?" Draven murmured, all this starting to weigh on his mind. His legs felt weak and the rook began to spin. The thing he saw was Kelly's eyes turn a bright blue and a purple energy burst from her hand before the world went black. 

     A rush of energy burst through his body and Draven's eyes flew open. "Oh god, uhhhhh!" He gasped, feeling his pussy throbbing with need again.

       "Oops sorry Draven, didn't mean to make you faint with the info dump," Kelly said, while gently stroking his long ginger hair. "Now I'm glad I started you with the Barbie training wheels."

      "Training wheels?" Draven groaned, his head still spinning from the info dump.

      "Yeah honey,  this isn't even your final form." She giggled, "Once you're ready for the full Barbie experience, I'll let you have that."

     Draven just sat there, trying to take everything in. "What did you hit me with just a second ago?" 

     "Oh, just a gravity spell so you didn't bink your pretty head then an adrenaline spell to wake you up," Kelly explained. 

      Draven just nodded, "Are you some kind of witch?"

       Kelly nodded, "yeah you could say that."

   "I'm sorry for what I said Kelly, It was just guy talk you know. Can you just please put me back in my reality and change me back?" He pleaded. 

      "Mmmm. Sorry Barbie that's gonna be a no-go." Kelly purred. 

    "Please Kelly I'm sorry. I...I don't want to be a woman. I don't want to be this woman." Draven explained, his heart beating faster.

     Kelly just shook her head, "I don't believe you Draven. " She said. "You are a really interesting person you know."

    "What do you mean?" He asked, watching Kelly get to her feet.

     She walked towards the toilet grabbed some toilet paper and gently folded it. "When I first saw you Draven I knew there was something about you. Your energy just felt off, chaotic. It was like the universe was begging me to turn you into a woman. So when you said the whole thing about Barbies I took the opportunity to change you." She explained, " and for the first time, your energy is right, calm. Like this is what you  are meant to be." 

      Draven just looked at her and watched Kelly take the toilet paper and wiped away the female juices around his new pussy. "Ahh!" He gasped at the sudden touch of the toilet paper. 

    "Jeez you are a honey girl aren't you?" Kelly teased, "You know I was waiting at the door for a good couple of minutes, was Ken showing you how to make this body feel good?" 

      Draven's face turned bright red. "That's Ken, like as in Barbie's boyfriend?" 

     "Your boyfriend." Kelly laughed and finished wiping away the juices from Draven's pussy. 

      Kelly threw away the paper and helped Draven to his feet. She then reached over to the gently folded clothes sitting by the sink and grabbed the panties. "Here you go Barbie." She said handing them to Draven. 

     He took them and gently pulled them up his new smooth legs. They were a lot snugger than he was used to in terms of underwear.  "Kelly, I don't want this. I'm not sure what was wrong with energy, but I don't think this is the solution. " 

        Kelly just laughed and handed Draven a sports bra. "You've got some cute boobs there Draven. If I remember correctly they're 34 b."

     Draven grabbed the sports bra and glared at Kelly. "Kelly change me back!" He huffed.

      She just looked at him her eyes flashing bright blue momentarily. "You don't understand now Draven but you will. Once I remove the training wheels you'll thank me for this life."

     "I doubt it," Draven growled and pulled up the tight maroon-colored pants Kelly handed him. "Do I get a top, or am I just working out in front of everyone with this."

       Kelly laughed and went behind Draven and started to brush his long ginger locks.  "Oh Barbie, you are so silly sometimes.  We aren't going out. You have a gym here in your penthouse. "

       Draven felt his eyes widen in surprise, "I have a gym in this place." 

     "Of course honey.  This is Barbie's dream penthouse." Kelly laughed while braiding his hair.

      "How the fuck can I afford all this? What's my job?" Draven asked.

       Kelly finished braiding Draven's hair and put her hands on his shoulders. "Your job is being a model and fashion icon," Kelly said.

     "I don't know how to do those things." Draven gasped.

     "You'll learn," Kelly said and gave Draven's ass a little pinch. "But you can be whatever you want to be Barbie. If you want a different career just name it and it's yours." 

       "Ahhhh!" Draven squeaked and swatted Kelly's hand away from his ass. 

    "But I'm sure you'll like the job I got for you. It's easy, you just have to take a pic on Instagram and Twitter every once in a while. Really you just have to be hot." She explained. 

      Draven frowned looking at the woman he now was in the mirror. "I don't know the first thing about being hit though. I don't want to be Barbie..."

        "Barbie Margot Mattel" Kelly giggled, "cute right?"

     "A little on the nose don't you think." Draven shrugged.

     "Well, there are no such things as Barbie dolls in this reality so you're good," Kelly explained.  "Now let me go show you how to take care of this new body of yours." 

      Draven sighed and followed her to the gym in this huge penthouse that was now his. The first thing Kelly told him was his walk was too manly. So she show Draven how to Seay his hips and walk like there wasn't a dick hanging between his legs. 

     When they arrived in the gym Kelly showed him how to stay fit. How to keep a lean body, an hourglass shape, and a perky butt. Kelly showed him how to stay thin and lean, but still be fit. She showed him how to keep up the Barbie appearance.  The strangest part of working out was the way his new body moved. Having to brush his ginger hair out of his face. Feeling his breast and ass moving and jiggling.  He felt weaker, and noticed he was smaller, four inches smaller making him now 5'3. It all just felt a bit much for him at the moment and Kelly was acting like it was the best thing to happen to him.

      "Once you lose the training body this will all be so much easier," Kelly said after the did some crunches.

      Draven frowned at this. Kelly had mentioned that this wasn't his final "Barbie body several times now. But he wasn't sure what she meant."

       "You keep saying that. This body is just temporary?" He asked.

     "Yes." Kelly replied you'll get your real body once you accept and embrace that you are now Barbie."

       Draven let out a scoff and rolled his pretty new eyes. "That's not happening anytime soon." 

     Kelly gave him a devilish smile in return, "I wouldn't be so sure Barbie. " She replied, emphasizing the name. "Now why don't you go take a pic for your fallower and put a cute caption." 

      Draven just rolled his eyes again, "Like I know how to do that." He grunted and walked towards the big mirror.  He grabbed the phone that Kelly said was his. "Having the latest iPhone is one benefit to this life so far." He murmured to himself. 

      Stopping in front of the mirror Draven pulled up the camera app and tried to think of a pose. He didn't know the first thing about looking sexy, so he just cooked his hip and covered half his face with the phone. He snapped the pic and opened the Instagram app. The follower count blowing his mind. 

      "38 million?" Draven gasped, the number being just crazy to him. 

     "Oh, that's it?" Kelly said from across the gym, "I bet your final form has more."

      Draven just stood there in shock for a moment before finally posting the picture.


: Keep up the routine. Be who you want to be.



  Draven wasn't sure why he typed that, but I felt like something "Barbie Mattel" would say. Once the pic was posted Draven saw comments flooding in. 


   : you look amazing ❤️

   : so hot 🔥 

   : Keep it up, girl

    : Baby so hot so gorgeous 😍


    Draven was again shocked by the number of likes and comments he was getting. Even though most of the people were just thirsty simps. She...he still appreciated all the attention. 

     "Alright, Barbie I'm going to get going. Have lots of other stuff to do." Kelly said, "More mortals to see." 

       "What am I supposed to do." Draven asked, "I don't want to stay like this."

     Kelly just gave Draven a look, her eyes flashing blue, "you keep seeing this as a curse Barbie. Well, I guess I did curse you, but it was meant as a gift."

     "Kelly I don't want this." Draven tried to plead.

      Kelly just shook her head and checked her phone. "I'm sorry Draven but I don't believe you." She started to walk away and turned back towards him, "Tomorrow after your workout we'll do hair and makeup."

       Draven just sighed in defeat, " That all sounds like something I don't want to do." 

     Kelly just turned back and looked at him again." Want my advice Draven? Finish what you started after you transformed."  

      Her eyes glowed blue and she snapped her fingers. There was a huge flash of blue light, and she was gone. Draven just stood there, his face bright red from Kelly's last words of wisdom. He felt his nipples go hard and his pussy throb for a moment.  The memories of making out with Ken while naked flashed through his mind.  

     Draven walked out of the gym and gave himself a little private tour of the penthouse.  The place was huge and expensive.  One room he found was just all expensive-looking clothes and a photoset.  There was another smaller room that looked like maybe it was Ken's man cave. It had all the latest games and consoles, as well as sports memorabilia. 

       "Am I like, a fucking billionaire?" He said to himself and continued to explore the penthouse. 

       Eventually, she arrived back in the main room. There was one theme that was throughout the house and that was pink. Walls, furniture, clothes, little trinkets.  All pink, just like a Barbie would have. Though Draven admitted that the view through the main room's windows was pretty spectacular.

    Draven ran a hand through his sweaty hair, deciding it was probably time to take a shower. When he turned around, he ran face-first into Ken's muscular chest. "Oh!" Draven gasped and felt Ken's large hand grasping his chin. Ken passed his lips gently against Draven's.  

     Draven felt his heart beat faster and his stomach flutter. The memories of kissing Ken earlier today flooded his mind. He kissed Ken back on instinct alone, having to get on his tip toes to wrap his...her, arms around Ken's neck. Their tongues explored each other's mouths and Draven felts Ken's hands grip her hips. 

     Their kisses deepened and both of their hand now freely explored their bodies. Dravens knew he should pull away, he didn't want to give Kelly the satisfaction that there was a thing he liked about her form. 

     She liked how sensitive her skin felt, and how much pleasure this body gave her. She liked the way Ken touched her, the way he kissed her lips.  Also being rich, living in an expensive penthouse, and never working a real job ever again were good. 

     Ken's lips left hers, he must have noticed that Draven was lost in her head and not actively participating. "You okay Barbie?" He asked, "If you don't want to go further we don't have to."

     Draven felt her heart melt at those words. ~oh God he is just so sweet. I just don't know if I can go further.~ She thought. 

      She wasn't ready to jump head-first into this new life. She did want to go back to being a man. There were still so many unknowns, like her friends and family. But Kelly did seem set on not changing her back. 

      "Might as well have a bit of fun right?" Draven whispered to herself.

     "What was that?" Ken asked.

    Draven just shook her head and kicked off her shoes and socks. She pulled off her pants and panties and flung off her tight sports bra. "Wow, who knew that these girls need some fresh air once in a while." Draven giggled and squeezed her tender tits.

     Ken's jaw dropped and stared at the woman in front of him. "You doing okay Barbie?" He asked.

     Draven felt her heart melt again, loving how compassionate and caring this guy was. When she was a guy she was pretty straight, at least she thought she was. But there was just something about this guy that made her pussy throb. 

      ~He's my Ken~ She thought to herself, ~ and I'm his Barbie, we're made for each other. That's probably why I like him so much.~

    Ken just stood there waiting for Draven's response. So this was her response, she slowly attempted to walk seductively towards the big guy. It was sloppy but Ken didn't seem to care. She pulled off his shirt and ran her finger down his muscular chest and abs. "You're so thoughtful Ken you know that?" She cooed and pulled down his sweatpants.

      When his pants were fully off Ken's huge boner could be seen trying to escape his boxers. Draven felt her pussy throb and butterflies in her stomach at the sight of it. She felt flattered that he was so hard for the body she now possessed.  It made it all so much more exciting. 

      "Oh I don't know Barbie..." Ken blushed, finally getting around to the compliment Draven gave him, "I just...love you so much and I want you to be happy."

      Dravens heart practically exploded in her chest. ~He loves me? I don't even know this guy at all and he loves me?~ She thought to herself. 

        Her eyes felt wet and she could barely form a sentence, "You uh..." she stuttered, "you love...me?" 

       Ken grabbed the sides of her face and gently wiped a tear that was next to her eye. "Of course, I love you Barbie. I love everything about you" He said and placed his lips against hers.

      Fireworks exploded through Draven from this kiss. Feeling Ken's love pouring into her body. Of course, Ken loved Barbie, those were kind of the rules and Draven knew that but she didn't care at the moment she just wanted to feel the love Ken had for her. 

     She kissed Ken hard, her breathy moans filling his mouth. She felt Ken's strong hands grab her naked ass and squeeze it hard. "Mmmm! Oh fuck!" Draven moaned, feeling her pussy throbbing now. It wanted to be touched, it wanted to be fucked. 

       Ken's hand picked Draven up off the ground. "Woah!" She shriek, not being lifted off the ground like that since she was a kid.

     Draven wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her towards the bedroom that she awoke in this morning. She kissed and sucked on his neck and shoulder as he walked across the room. Draven was finding this whole situation hard to believe. That she would turn into a woman and in less than 24 hours get fucked by a hunky guy. But at the moment it's all she wanted. Getting a preview hours ago made her more open and willing to try it. 

       Ken stumbled a bit and rested Draven's back against the wall and door frame of the room. This position that Draven found herself in now was super hot to her. A mand hoisting her hot little body up and pressed against the wall. It was like a fucking porno film. 

       "Mmm! Baby you're making it kinda hard for me to get in the bedroom." Ken groaned, feeling Draven dry-humping his covered crotch. 

     She just kissed his lips hard again, letting their tongues slip across each other. Her hands gripped his shoulders tightly while she rubbed her wet pussy across his boxer cover dick. "You know what would be super fucking hot." Draven purred, slipping her hand down to uncover the monster Ken had. "It would be super fucking hot if you pounded me right here against the wall."

     Ken's eyes widened in surprise, apparently, this was all kind of new for him. "You want me to fuck you like this?" He asked, in a teasing way. 

   Draven nodded her head frantically, feeling his dicks head rubbing against her wet, waiting folds. Ken just smiled and kissed her lips, and lightly nibbled on her bottom lip. "You want me to fuck you against the wall. Like some kinda porno?" Ken teased.

      Draven nodded again and reached down to grab Ken's cock. She felt it twitch from her touch and she slowly wrapped her hand around it. Ken waited till she had it positioned in place before he slowly started to thrust his hips forward. The new sensation of Draven's moist walls stretching around Ken's cock made her cum right then and there. 

     "Nuuuuu! Ahhhhhh! Fuuuuuuuck!" Draven cried, feeling the most intense burst of pleasure exploding throughout her body. Her legs squeezed around Ken's waist even tighter as she shook from the waves of pleasure hitting her body. 

     Her new lower muscles were flexed and squeezed Ken's cock as in thrust in and out of Draven. He smiled when he heard her moaning and felt shaking from her first orgasm. So he thrust a little more forcefully to try and. get her to achieve another before she could even recover from the first.

      And he achieved that goal, feeling Draven's pussy start to leak more juices and quivering as another orgasm ripped through her body. "Oh fuck! Fuuuuuuuck! Aaaaaahhhh!" She screamed, hardly able to believe that she had already cum twice in just a small amount of time.

     They had been only going at it for about two minutes and Draven had already cum twice. She thought it must be because she wasn't used to having this super sensitive body. 

         Ken was thrusting faster now going in for a kiss every once and a while, but Draven couldn't kiss back. Her mouth was too busy letting out screams and moans of pleasure.  "Shuuuuu! Shit! God, you make me feel so fucking good!" She screamed.

     She felt her awkwardly brush up against the wall causing her to yelp out in pain. "Ouch! Mmmm! Maybe we should! Ahhhh! Take this to the bed!" 

      Ken just grunted and carried her through the door, his dick still buried in her dripping pussy. He then gently laid her down and placed his hand on her tits and squeezed them. "Ooooohhhh fuck! That feels crazy!" Draven moaned from the feelings coming from her breasts. 

       Ken couldn't help but laugh and do it again, causing Draven to cry out again. Her pussy muscles also squeezing Ken's cock in response. His body shuddered and he captured Draven's lips for an electric kiss. 

      He broke the kiss and nibbled on her neck. "God Barbie your pussy is milking me." He groaned, "I don't know how much longer I can last." 

       "Mmmm! I just want one more baby. I want to cum one more time." Draven moaned, feeling like that wasn't going to take very long.

     Ken just grunted in response and gave her another sloppy kiss. His lips move off target every time he thrusts in Draven and causes her to moan loudly. She wrapped her legs around his waist and continued to squeeze her new lower muscles around Ken's hard cock.

      She could feel it pulsing within her, and she knew he was also almost ready to go too. She reached her hands up toward Ken's face and strained her neck to kiss his lips. 

        A huge explosion of pleasure erupted through her body causing her eyes to roll back into her head. It was the strongest orgasm yet and she could feel each thrust from Ken's cock sending waves of bliss through her body. She felt Ken's orgasm happening too. It was a strange feeling, it felt like warm liquid bursting into her. While it was strange it also felt super good. 

     Her body felt so alive and she was so caught up in the pleasure she just started to speak. "I love you, Ken! Mmmmm! I fucking love you soooo muuuuuuccchhh!" She cried into his shoulder. 

      Ken's thrust was getting slower, and he too was grunting and moaning. "Ahhhh! I love you too Barbie. So fucking much!"

      His body collapsed next to Draven's, the two of them panting and letting their afterglow wash over them. Draven looked over to Ken and couldn't resist kissing his lips again. She wasn't sure if she did love him truly, but at the moment she did. In the moment she loved him more than she had ever loved a person before. 

        ~I don't even know this guy?" She thought to herself, ~ why do I feel this way?~

      They both lay there for a few moments, Ken had his eyes closed and his breath became more shallow. While Draven just watched him, her hand resting on his cheek and stroking the light facial hair he had. Earlier today she didn't want this body this life. Hell, she still wasn't sure if she did, but if it meant staying with this man. She would take it. 

      Slowly she closed her eyes, not even able to believe her thoughts. It all seemed foolish to fall for someone she didn't even know and think about staying with him. But she wanted to.

     ~Maybe Kelly did something to me, cursed me to love him?" She thought.

      It hurt to even think that maybe the love wasn't real. That maybe it was artificial. She leaned in a kissed him on the lips again, knowing that it felt real right now, and she could feel him give it right back. He opened his eyes and smiled at Draven. 

      "I'm getting kinda hungry. Wanna order so Chinese?" He asked.

     Draven just nodded, "Sure...I'm gonna go clean up." 

    Ken kissed her and got up to go find his phone. She just laid there, her mind a jumble of emotions. Eventually, she did get up and shower. Navigating all the shampoos and soaps took her a second. Also washing her new tits and pussy took a moment too.

     When she got out and dried herself she walked to her closet to find a skimpy-looking baby doll nightie. She slipped it on, actually like how the soft satin felt on her skin. While she was in the shower she also came up with a plan.

      Walking out of the room she found Ken sorting through the food they ordered. He glanced up and saw his eyes widen at Draven's appearance.  "Damn Barbie no panties?" He laughed and scooped her up and kissed her. 

     She kissed him back and pulled away for a moment. "Hey Ken, I wanna try something okay?" 

      "I'm down Barbie." He said instantly.

    This made Draven's heart start to go, "I wanna role-play I guess. But it's more like I want us to pretend this is a first date. We don't know each other." She explained. 

      Ken raised an eyebrow in surprise at the request.  "And you're wearing that on the first date." He joked.

      Draven felt a blush rise on her face and she glanced down at her pink nightie. "No this is for your reward after the date." She purred.

      Ken smiled and held out his hand towards Draven.  "Hi, I'm Ken Gosling. "

     Draven couldn't help but giggle at the last name. But she took his hand and shook it, "Barbie Mattel."

      -Midday the next day.

      "And he is just so sweet. I mean after he fucked my brain out again I found out we even have more things in common. We played Mortal Kombat 1 for hours and I fell asleep watching him play Resident Evil 8." Draven rambled to Kelly. 

       "That's great Draven. " She replies, her smile bigger than ever.

    Draven sighed and smiled too, "I really love him Kelly and I just wanted to know." She said, pausing before asking the question that had been bugging her for hours now. "Did you do something to me, like another curse to make me love him?"

       Kelly's smile faded and she had a sincere look on her face. She got to her feet and gave Draven a hug, Kelly feeling Draven's emotion and sensing that this was eating her up. "No Draven I did not. I would never do something so cruel." She said.

      "It's just you changed me against my will and I thought..." Draven murmured. 

      "Draven I am sorry about changing you against your will. I truly am, I thought it was fun at the moment and I was truly trying to help you. Just with a fun twist." She explained, "Finding a reality without Barbie dolls was easy believe it or not. The hardest thing was finding one with a guy named Ken Gosling. " 

     Kelly held Draven's hands and looked right into her eyes. "You know before I even cast the curse I thought you would fall in love with the fame, money, or glamor first."

      Draven couldn't help but giggle, "Well those things are pretty nice" She admitted. 

     "I never thought you would fall for Ken. I figured you would leave him eventually." She continued, "But when I met him yesterday and you too were in the same space I sensed it."

      "Sensed what?" Draven asked, her hand squeezing Kelly's in suspense. 

      She let out a breath and squeezed Draven's hands. "I sensed that you two were would mates. Ment for each other." She said, "The universe can be really interesting when it comes to bringing people together. " 

      Draven felt her heart beating fast and tears of joy in her eyes. She wasn't sure why she was so happy, but hearing that Ken was meant for her just made her so happy. "He's my soul mate?" Draven choked out, tears flowing down her face.

     "He is Draven, I didn't want to tell you because you were still against the whole being a woman thing," Kelly explained and snapped her fingers.

    Draven felt her face tingle for a moment, "what did you just do?" She asked

      "You just got that makeup done yourself, don't want you to ruin it." Kelly giggled. 

     Draven couldn't help but laugh too and he hugged Kelly. " I'm starting to come around on you changing me," Draven said.

     Kelly hugged her back, "You know when I found this reality at first I found the Draven here. He was already a woman, some freak accident cha get him into a duplicate of his favorite streamer." 

     "What really?" Draven asked.

   "Yep, that's when I knew the curse was for you. That in the long run, you would want this." Kelly said.

      Draven just nodded and gave Kelly another hug. "Thank you, still don't know if I'm cut out to be this Barbie. But I'll do it for Ken."

    The two ended their embrace and Draven caught her reflection in the mirror. "So when do I get this real form?" She asked.







   "You ready to embrace this life Draven?" Kelly asked. 

      Draven nodded, "call me Barbie." 

        Kelly smiled and her eyes glowed bright blue and she waved her hands around. A new Barbie doll appeared in Kelly's hands and she gently laid it on the vanity near them.  "Was kinda liking this hair color." She laughed seeing the blonde hair of the doll.


     Kelly giggled and her hand started to glow an orange color. "You can always get it colored back. Be who you want to be Barbie girl"

      Kelly's hand shot forward and reached into Barbie's chest. The feeling was like a warm plate was placed on her chest. Then there was a strange pulling sensation and Kelly extracted the ginger doll from her chest. 

     Her whole body felt super strange, empty almost. Like there was something she needed.  Kelly wasted no time though grabbing the other doll and pushing it into her chest. "Oooo! That felt weird." She gasped and felt her body changing again. 

        The changes weren't as drastic as before but they were still there. She felt her thighs getting thicker and her ass got bigger. "Damn! That fucking felt good!" She moaned when her ass got bigger. 

       She felt her waist get smaller and her skin darkened slightly across her body. Then her hair lightened to a bright Barbie blonde. Her face changes were a little more drastic. Her face became rounder and her eyebrow darkened. Her eye sockets got bigger making her eyes look bigger and her lashes got thicker. The bridge of her nose shrunk and thinned, and the tip diminished and rounded.

        Then the most drastic changes happen. She felt her lips growing even plumper and more sensitive. Then she also felt her breasts increasing in size. "Ooooohhhh fuck!" She moaned, her breasts growing to 36 C.

      She stumbled for a moment feeling dome more small changes happening throughout her body. It was all over in an instant and she gazed at her new face in the mirror.




     She smiled and brushed back her new blonde locks. "Holy shit, I'm a fucking bombshell. " she giggled.

       "You're Barbie," Kelly said and hugged her from behind.

      Barbie smiled at that and turned towards the woman who started it all. "So what now, are you going back to our old reality forever?" She asked.

     Kelly shook her head. "No not quite, I'm going to hang out here with you for a while longer. You still need some work. You still don't have the whole makeup thing down and you suck at walking in heels.

      She blushed, remembering all that excrement from today. "Yeah, I need a bit more work. Thanks for not just abandoning me here in this reality. " 

      "I'm not evil Barbie." She laughed, "So...how do you feel?"

     Barbie ran her hand over her new body. "This feels so great, even better than the last one. I can't wait for Ken to see it." She cooed. 

       Kelly giggled, "Well he will think you've always looked like that. Same with your friends and family." 

       Barbie was slightly disappointed she couldn't get Ken's reaction but she wouldn't argue this magic probably made things easier. "Well, maybe he would be into a second-date roleplay."

      - 3 hours later.

   Ken walked into the penthouse and dropped his car keys into the bowl next to the door. He saw a bottle of champagne sitting on the coffee table in the main room and wondered where his girlfriend was. 

        "How was the shoot baby!" A soft seductive voice called out.

      Ken looked over toward his bedroom to see a hot blonde standing there. "Oh my God! Barbie you look so fucking beautiful."

     Barbie felt her heart flutter and she gave him a little pose."I was thinking we could celebrate." She purred, her eyes flicking up to meet his.

      He grinned and started to walk towards her. " What are we celebrating?" He asked.



     She slowly walked toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I was thinking about celebrating how much I fucking love you." 

      She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him, feeling so much love for the man she was kissing. It was hard to believe just yesterday she was a man named Draven.  Because she was a Barbie girl now and this was her Barbie world. 


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