A new life

 Matt sighed seeing his work schedule for next week. "Sweet I didn't want any time off anyways. " He said sarcastically.

           "Well I should run my errands today I guess." He mumbled to himself, getting up from the couch.
        He walked over to his front door and slipped his shoes on catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror.  Matt was a 34 living alone and still single. It's not like he was trying to be a lonely bachelor it's just how the cards were played. Working nine hour shifts, six days a week just to afford food and rent gave him no time for a social life outside of work.
         He grabbed his keys fixing his messy hair in the mirror with his hands.  He wasn't a bad looking guy, just kind of your run of the mill dude.
        Closing the door to his apartment Matt  walked down to the main floor and stopped at his mail box. He used his key to open it finding just one letter inside.
He walked out to his car getting in and open the letter. Inside was a small house key and that was it. No note or anything, just a silver house key. 
       "Okay? Must have been sent to me by accident. " He said to himself, putting the key in his pocket. "I'll give it to the front office later."
          Matt starts his car and makes his way to the local King Soopers. The whole time he is shopping though he had the strangest feeling in the back of his mind. Like something wanted him to leave the store and find it.
       He shrugged it off, finished his shopping and putting his groceries in the car. He had one more stop to make, the Walmart about 2 miles away.  
       Getting in his car he drove in the direction of the store, but didn't notice he made a wrong turn. 
       It's like he was driving on instinct alone, not noticing that he was driving through a strange suburbs he had never seen. 
       Snapping out of his trance Matt looked around, realizing he didn't know where he was. 
         "Huh! I must of spaced out." He mumbled, looking out the window at all the houses around him. 
           It was strange, all the house he could see seemed empty. No cars in the driveways or parked on the street. 
       "Must be a brand new neighborhood." He whispered, noticing that none of the lights were on, even though it was 8pm at night. 
          Matt noticed the strange feeling had returned. He looked over toward the house outside the passenger window, the urge to go in entered his mind. 
       Slowly he got out of his car, staring up at the house. He didn't know why but he felt like it was calling to him. 
        "This is how horror movies start." He whispered. 
       The whole neighborhood seemed unbelievably quite, the silence almost unbearable.  
         "This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea." He mumbled to himself, walking up to the front door. 
        He stood there staring at the tan door, not exactly knowing why he was there. He felt a slight shock hit his right thigh making him jump. 
       "Ahhhh! Oh shit, that scared me." He groaned, reaching his hand into his pocket and feeling the key from earlier.  
     Matt pulled the key out of his pocket, examing the silver object. It almost felt like the key was trying to pull his hand towards the lock on the door. 
         "No fucking way?" He whispered, looking down at the it. 
      Matt brought the key up to the lock and inserted it. A perfect fit, he turned the key slowly hearing the click of the door unlocking. 
         "Seriously?" He groaned. 
    A bright flash of white light suddenly blinded Matt. He brought his right arm up to cover his eyes, but light was then gone just as fast as it appeared leaving Matt speechless.  
        Though he was no longer in front of the house, he was inside a building. Glancing around, he saw people all around him chatting and drinking. 
        "How did I get in this bar?" He asked, looking at all the people around him. Matt had never seen this bar before, and it was packed full of people and up at the bar men were cheering. 
      Slowly he walked over to try and get a look at what was going on. He caught a glimpse of a woman that was tending the bar. All the men's attention seemed to be on her. She looked to be in her late 20's or early 30's. Long dark hair, great breasts and a beautiful face. 
         Matt found himself mesmerized by her looks, slowly walking towards the bar. The men around it moved aside when he approached, Matt noticing she was the only female bartender working behind the large bar. 
He watched her laughing and joking with her male admirers, her light voice breaking through the droning voices of the men around her. 
        "Alright boys. There is enough of this bitch to go around." She called out. 
         Matt chuckled, his eyes never wavering from the woman in front of him. 
          The room suddenly went quiet, looking around he saw that everyone had disappeared. 
         "What can I get yah!" The voice of the woman said to him.
         "Huh? What?" Matt replied, distracted by the sudden disappearance of everyone. 
          "Drink. Can I get you somthing to drink?" The dark haired woman said.
        "I uhhhhhhh." Matt began to say, looking directly into the woman blueish grey eyes. 
         A blinding white light flashed in his eyes once again, he shut his eyes quickly. A strange buzzing noise filled his ears and then nothing. 
          A faint breeze hit the back of his neck, causing Matt to open his eyesin confusion. He was back I front of the strange house, the front door now slightly ajar. 
       "What the fuck was that?" Matt said outloud, confused by what just happened. 
      He looked around, seeing that he was back in the dark quiet neighborhood. A slight breeze made him shiver, everything in that bar felt so real. Looking at the door he saw the key sitting in the top lock.
         "Is this a twilight zone episode or a horror movie. " He chuckled, walking back to his car. "Whatever it is I'm not finding out."
         Matt got around to his car door and opened it, but the sound of hinges creaking made him looked back at the house. The front door slowly creaked open, a dark void beyond its threshold.
        "Um no thank you." He said, deciding it was time to go. 
       His car door suddenly slammed shut, almost catching his hand in the process.  
       "Shit!" He cried out, his hand recoiling at the last moment.
        Matt grabbed the driver side handle pulling on it, but somehow the door was locked. He pulled out his car keys to hit the unlocked button on his Fob, but the familer white blinding light hit Matt right in the eyes when he hit the unlock button. 
      "Seriously?" He groaned quickly covering his eyes. 
       He opened his eyes seeing that he was back in the same bar again. It was still full of people, but not as much that last time he was transported here. Looking toward the bar he saw the same dark haired woman talking to a man. 
          "Okay? Back here again." Matt said, walking towards the bar. 
       "So what do you say? You wanna bad bitch like this?" The woman said, to the man, her hands roaming down her curves. 
        "Hell yeah baby! When are you off?" The guy asked.
       "Whenever I want to be." She said, looking past the man and directly at Matt. 
       Matt froze, a shiver going up his spine,the woman gaze making him feel uneasy. 
        "You wanna hit that club down the street?" The man asked. 
       The woman gaze never left Matt,a smile slowly forming on her face. "Fuck yeah handsome, lead the way." She said, winking at Matt. 
       The world around him blurred,his body was pulled forward through time and space. He felt sick, the room around him stopped moving.  
         Leaning forward on the bar that had suddenly appeared infront of him he felt stomach churning,threatening to spill its contents. Gasping for breath from the shock of what just happened, Matt toke in the location he was suddenly at. 
        Loud music pounded against his ears, he was suddenly in a club. He felt a hand rest on his back and a voice whisper in his ear. 
         "Hey Martina are you alright?" The voice said, warm breath tickling his neck. 
       Matt looked over to see the man that had asked out the beautiful bartender. 
         "What?" He asked, a light sexy voice coming out of his mouth. 
        "Are you doing alright, you looked spaced out for a sec." The man asked.
      "Im..." Matt began to say noticing the strange voice coming from his lips.
      He brushed back some dark objects in his peripheral, feeling long silky hair. He ran his hands over his head, feeling the soft hair between his fingers, and followed down his body and felt two lumps protruding from his chest. He grabbed hold of them, a jolt of pleasure rushing through his entire body.
         "Aaaahh!" A breathy voice moaned out from his lips. 
        "Martina?" The man said, a confused look on his face. 
        Matt looked towards the man again, his heart beating extremely quickly. I'm her. I'm somehow in her body, he thought to himself,his hands slowly tracing his breasts. 
       Matt then felt his lips moving on their own, his hands also squeezing his breasts and body leaning forward. 
       "Oh I'm doing great baby. Just lost in thought thinking about what we will do later tonight." Matt purred involuntarily. 
        His hand shot out and gripped the man's giant bulge, it seemed he had have lost complete control of his body.
       "Lets go dance baby, I'm feeling restless." Matt said, still not in control of his actions. 
       Matt felt his legs start to move towards the dance floor, each step made unknown parts of his body jiggling and swaying and felt each hip popping up with each exaggerated step. 
        What is going on? Why am I this Martina girl all of a sudden? Matt thought to himself, his body arriving to the dance floor with the unknown man. 
      Then he felt his body begin to move and shake, swaying with the rhythm of the music. His perky ass pressing up on the unknown man's large bulge and moving up and down slowly. 
        Matt fought for control of his body, straining for any sort of movement. Sudden his concentration was interrupted by a large hand grabbing his bulging chest. 
       "Aaaahh!" Matt moaned, a warm feeling developing in his crotch. 
        The body he was in felt incredibly warm and horney it now turning to face the man, their eyes meeting, while Matt continued to dance seductively. 
       Got to get control, come on! He screamed in his head ,his plump lips now smashing against the man's. 
          Quite fighting it Matt. I'm just trying to show you, the voice of the woman whispered in his head.
        What? What are you talking about? Show me what? He screamed at the voice in his head. 
        The man's tongue enter his mouth dancing with his own .The voice the whispered out again, come on Matt. You know you want to be a bad bitch like this.
       Suddenly that familiar bright light appeared again engulfing the club. Matt fell to his hand and knees gasping for breath, the feeling of the kiss still present on his lips. 
      He felt the feeling of a plush carpet between his fingers and not what should have been the hard floor of the club or gravel of the road. He opened his eyes seeing that he was in the front room of some strange house. 
           Glancing toward the window he saw his car parked just outside on the street.Slowly got to his feet, his hands feeling all over his body. 
          "What the fuck is going on?" Matt said, realizing he was now in the house. He grabbed his flat chest, a sigh coming out of his mouth hearing his normal voice and feeling his normal body. 
         He walked toward the front door and grabbed the handled and pulled on it with all his strength, the door not bugging. He tried to turn the lock too, but it did not move. 
         "Okay? Time to call someone." He said, reaching for his phone only to find all of his pockets empty. 
          "No! No! No!" He moaned, looking around frantically. 
       His eyes looked over the fully furnished living room, finding it to be a little strange.  
 Ring! Ring! Ring!
     The sound of a phone going off caught Matt's attention. He looked around the room again, realizing the sound of the phone seemed further away. Slowly he rounded the corner of the room seeing a fully stocked kitchen with food and furnishing.  
 Ring! Ring! Ring!
   Matt looked up the stairs to the left of him, the sound of the phone definitely coming from that direction. The stairwell was completely dark, the sound of the phone ring piercing through the unnerving quiet. 
        His eyes just stared at the darkness his eyes playing tricks on him the more he stared, thinking he saw a shadow figure moving in the dark. The sound of a door opening made Matt jump, a rush of adrenaline coursing through his body from the sudden fear.
        The ringing of the phone was louder now, no longer blocked by the door. A sudden light pierced through the darkness, showing the open door at the top of the stairs. 
           "Jesus! What kinda fucked up, hell house shit is going on?" He whispered, backing away from the stairs.
       He turned to make his way back to the front room but was hit in the face by that now annoying bright white light.
      Matt shut his eyes, knowing that when he opened them he would be somewhere new. He slowly opened his eyes to see a vanity in front of him, the reflection showing his normal self. 
        "Phew!" Matt sighed, happy to be in his own body still. 
        "Mmmmmm! Ooooohhhh!" The now all to familiar voice of a woman moaned behind him.
       He turned around to see Martina splayed out on a bed. One hand gripping her left breast while the other had it fingers buried in her wet pussy. 
        "Mmmmmm! Matt! I'm so clooooose. You're so close. Just a bit longer. Aaaaahhh!" She moaned, her naked body writhing on the bed. 
       Matt felt his own cock begin to harden, watching the dark haired beauty orgasm in front of him. 
       She slowly, pulled her finger from her wet mound, bring them up to her mouth and licking them clean. 
            "Oh god! Matt! Are you ready?" She asked, grabbing her tit and rising up to her knees on the bed.

Ready for what Martina?" He asked, a sudden chill running through his body. 
        Matt's clothes slowly dissolved from his body leaving him completely naked. Noticing his lack of clothes Matt quickly covers his throbbing manhood with his hands. 
        "Are latest man will be coming through that door any second. Remember? The guy from the club. Mike or Mark I can't remember." She said, slowly getting off the bed and walking towards Matt. 
         "What? Stop! Just what is going on, what is this. " he cried out.
          "What do you mean what is this? This is your memory of last night." She purred taking a couple more steps towards Matt.  
        "Huh? My what? No these aren't my memories." He stuttered taking a step back from Martina.
         "Uh yeah they are. You were working in the bar last night and a guy asked if you wanted to go to the club. You agreed and danced the night away then returned home to get fucked so hard you pass out." Martina said, taking a couple of steps towards Matt again. 
         "No! What are you talking about? That's what you did, I'm not you!" Matt shouted, turning his back to her and making his way to the door. 
         "Ummmmm. You definitely are me." She replied reaching out and touching Matt's shoulder. "Man I must have gotten way more drunk than I thought." 
         Matt felt Martina's naked breasts press up against his back, her right hand stroking his right arm. 
         "Remember. You just moved closer to work about a week ago. To this house." She whispered in his ear. 
       Matt shuddered, images of him working at the bar flashed through his head, deciding to move into a house with a bunch of other girls,so he was closer to work. 
        Matt suddenly pushed Martina off of him and walked back towards the vanity, looking at himself in the mirror. 
        "No! Those aren't my memories." He groaned, watching Martina come up behind him again and hugging his back. 
         "It's okay baby. Your just confused. Remember when we got the job after dropping out of college, how good the money is because all of the attention we get." She purred, rubbing his chest. 
        More flashes of images rushed in his head, of going to college but not being able to afford it any longer and having to drop out. Staring work at the bar and getting so much more attention than he could ever dream of.
       "No! These aren't my memories. They're yours." He whispered, looking in the mirror at himself again. 
       He saw Martina begin to almost shift, her body looking like it was made of liquid. He watched as he body seemed to flow over his . Knowing he should run Matt tried to move, but whatever was happening to him held him in place. 
         "Martina? What are you doing?" He cried out, watching his body being completely consumed by hers. 
       His arms were covered by hers,leaving him with smooth slender arms and hands. He watch ad her entire torso flowed over his leaving with Matt with her perky C cup breasts. 
        Reaching up with his new dainty hands, he squeezed the orbs that now hung from his chest. His lower half was then consumed by Martina's form, his cock disappearing behind her tight pussy. 
          Matt watched as her face formed around his, her hair falling lightly on his smaller shoulders. A small hand reached up and touched Martina's face, tracing her delicate features.
         "Martina! What did you do?" Matt gasped out, examing his body. 
         His hand roamed down the curves that Martina had bestowed upon him. Matt gasped feeling his soft sensitive skin underneath his fingers. They slowly snaked down toward the pussy that now coverd his penis. 

   "Aaaaahhh! Shit that felt weird." Matt gasped lightly touching the outer lips. 
         He lightly traced his new pussy with his fingers, his hips beginning to flinch back from his touch. 
       "Shit! This is wrong. This has to be a dream." He gasped.
        Matt caught his reflection in the mirror seeing the dark haired woman staring back. He couldn't help but smirk, seeing the gorgeous woman touching herself for the first time, for some reason brought a smile to his face.
      "Jesus! This is the weirdest moment of my life." Matt gasped, his finger beginning to probe his wet hole. 
           The room was coverd in the same white light once again blinding Matt. "Fuck again?" He groaned, knowing he would be back at the creepy house.
          Just like last time he ended up in a different room. Unlike last time though he recognized the room. 
        "Wait? Wasn't I just in here in the vision?" Matt asked, looking at the vanity he had just seen the reflection of Martina in. 
        Though he saw his normal male self reflecting back at him. He reached down and felt the familer feeling of his cock between his legs.
        "It felt so real." He whispered taking in the reflection he had seen most of his adult life.
        Matt backed away from the mirror his left leg hitting the edge of the bed. This caused him to lose his balance, stumbling backward and landing on the plush mattress. 
         "Jesus!" He moaned, laying back on the bed. 
         "I have to get out of this house." He groaned, running his hands through his short hair. 
         He thought back to the last vision, how Martina had put her memories in his head. The more he thought the more he realized he could still had them. He could recall specific moments in college, for both him and Martina. 
          "What the fuck is happening to me?" He groaned, trying to recall his specific memories made his head throb.
          The door to the bedroom slammed open, making Matt jump. He looked toward the doorway, expecting some kind of ghost or monster to be there, but it was just empty. 
       "What now?" He whispered, seeing the annoying white light blind him again. 
        Matt felt a force grab him and flip him onto his stomach violently.  
       "Shit!" He cried out feeling his chest and rear jiggle. 
        Matt tried get on his hand and knees, but felt a two hands resting on his hips. The feeling of somthing brush past his sensitive croch made him realize he must be Martina again.
         "Wait!" Matt said, hearing sexy voice of Martina come out of his lips. 
         The feeling of somthing entering him made Matt cry out. An uncomfortable pressure pushed into him were his penis normally was. He glanced over his shoulder, dark hair flying in his face, over his shoulder he saw the figure of the man Martina had went to the club with. 
           "Nnnnnnn!" Matt groaned, watching the man slide his cock deeper into Martina's wet hole. 
          The strange feeling of discomfort began to fade replaced by another feeling. New nerves seemed to light up leaving behind a pleasure unlike anything Matt had ever felt before. 
         Matt groaned, feeling the man begin to move his cock in and out of his wet pussy, feeling new muscles react to the action. He felt his lower lips gripping onto the flesh rod that was fucking him, trying to keep it from exiting his warm hole. 

   "Mmmmmmm! Nnnnnnaaaaahhhh!" Matt moaned, looking forward toward the vanity infront of him.  
         He saw the reflection of Martina getting fucked doggy style infront of him. Matt was turned on seeing the half-lidded eyes and smile on the face that he now wore. 
        A strange warm tingle began to spread from his crotch, to every conner of the girl body he now inhabits. Matt moaned, pushing his hips back so the man's cock pushed deeper into him. 
         "God Martina you're such a slutty bitch, it's so hot." The man said, his pace quicking again. 
         Matt felt a shiver of pleasure rush through him from being called a slutty bitch. Every part of his body felt hyper sensitive. The boobs on his chest felt swollen, his crotch felt like it was being consumed by complete burning pleasure.  
       Matt felt confused, and horrified, but a part of him also felt complete and happy. The man began to really hammer deep into Matt. 
        "Ahhhhhhh! Oh shiiiiiiitttttt!" Matt cried out, the feeling of the man's balls slapping against his clit turning him on even more. 
         He gripped onto the sheets for dear life, feeling the walls of Martina's pussy stretching around the man's cock. Sequels and moans came involuntarily out of Matt's mouth, while her body was exploding with pleasure. 
           "Please! Nuuuuuuh! Please fuck me!" Matt moaned, watching the face of Martina in the mirror, her mouth opened and close with each thrust. 
          "Wait no!" Matt cries, seeing that pesky white light flash in his eyes once again. 
         "Aaaaahhh!" He groaned, shooting up from his bed. 
         Looking around frantically Matt realized he was no longer in Martina's bedroom or her house, he was back in his apartment.
         "Seriously? It was just some fucked up dream?" Matt groaned, laying back on his pillow. 
          For the rest of the day Matt couldn't get the events of his dream out of his head. The whole thing seemed so real, but when he woke up, his car was parked infront of his apartment and groceries were put away. For some reason he didn't remember getting home,but he could remember the dream vividly. 
         Time passed without another incident, Matt never had another dream about Martina and could never find that key. He tried to look up Martina on social media with no such luck, and even found himself at the bar that she worked at in the dream every night hoping to catch a glimpse of her. 
             It was three weeks later and Matt found himself at the bar after his work shift once again. The bar was called the Old Tavern and for the past few weeks he learned all the names of the employees. He asked a couple of them if Martina had work there, but unfortunately none of the people knew what he was talking about.
         Matt was nursing the beer infront of him, scrolling through social media again hoping that he would find Martina. There was one thing that Matt was disturbed by though. It was the fact that he could still recall the memories Martina gave him. 
          Doing research online to see if you could gain memories from a dream,all pointed to him being crazy. He could still recall all the parties Martina went to while in college and while working at the bar. He could recall people she interacted with, friends and her and sexual encounters. 
       As time went on though Matt was beginning to believe that maybe he was crazy and it was all a dream. Hell maybe he had D.I.D., but he never experienced any huge trauma in his life. 
         Matt finished his beer and payed his tab. He walked out to his car slowly thinking about how strange his life had been ever since that dream. He got in his car and drove home deciding he should leave the search behind him.
         Six months had past since the last time he thought about Martina and the dreams. Matt had go a better job that was a four days a week and included good health benefits.
         In that time he began to really find himself, made some new friends and even started to date. The strange Martina search just was a weird part of his life now. 
       Matt was on his way to meet his girlfriend of two month Jessica, at the park they liked to walk around and then head to dinner afterwards. Driving up to an intersection he saw there was a detour due to road work. 
         "Ah shit!" He moaned, already running late to meet Jessica. He followed the detour signs into a un familer neighborhood. Though as he drove it became eerily familer. Empty houses lined the street, not a single car in the driveways or on the street. 
          He took another turn still following the detour signs and saw somthing he had only seen once before. The street from his dreams, but this time it was slightly different. Two of the house did have cars parked in the driveways, one was directly across from the house that plagued his mind 6 months ago.
         He glanced at one if the cars, seeing a blonde woman step out of it holding a bag of groceries. She made eye contact with Matt and gave him a light wave. 
       He gave an awkward smile back and turned his attention back to the house that he had only seen in his dream. Slowing his car to a crawl he looked out the passenger window. There it was, Martina's house. Just like he remembered in his dream. 
       A memory appeared in his mind once more, not one of his own but from the time she first moved in. A cold chill rushed through his body, he hadn't had one of those memories pop up in a long time. 
       He continued to stare at the door noticing that somthing shiny caught his eye. It was a key, just sitting inside the lock of the front door. Matt felt his heart beat faster, remembering that in the dream he had left the key in the door before he saw the bright light. 
        Matt turned off his car and slowly got out, he didn't know why but he had to know if he was crazy or not. He walked up to the front door expecting in to swing open and a bright light to blind him. 
        It didn't happen, he had walked all the way up to the front door and grabbed the key. He felt nothing, no strange tingle or pull, the house didn't come alive and suck him in. 
        He slowly pulled the key out and turned the door handle opening the front door. It swung open no problem, still nothing supernatural jumping out at him. 
       "I should just go." He whispered at himself, his heart still beating fast in his chest.
       Though his curiosity won out as he stepped into the home closing the door behind him. He looked around the bottom level, seeing the fully furnished house was exactly like he remembered. Walking into the kitchen he opened the pantries and fridge, they were stalked with food and drinks. 
       "Weird." He whispered again, walking toward the stairs case towards Martina's room. 
       As he began to climb he felt his phone vibrate in his right pocket. Jumping slighly from being startled, he pulled it out and saw Jessica was calling. 
        "Hey Jess." He said, answering the phone.
    "Matt did you forget about our date?" Jessica said in a playful tone. 
      "Pfff! No! Of course not, there was some construction and I had to take a detour." Matt replied walking into the bedroom he had seen in his dreams. 
        "Okay well about how long then baby?" She said to Matt, while he looked around the bedroom.  
        "Not long Jess, I think I'm almost through" He lied, walking over to the vanity spotting a cell phone and purse. 
        "Okay. Text me when you get into the parking lot, I'm going to wait in my car." Jess said.
        "You got it Jess see you soon." He replied,unzipping the top of the purse and pulling out a wallet.
        "I can't wait to see you." She purred into the phone, while Matt opened the wallet and seeing the ID of Martina.  
        "I mean...you should want a bad bitch like this." Matt said, his eyes going wide after the words came out of his mouth. 
         "Oh my God! You're too funny Matt. I'll see you soon." Jessica said, hanging up the phone.
          Matt just stood there holding the phone in his hand. His body felt extremely tense and hot. A cramping sensation seemed to spread to every inch of his body making him drop his phone to the ground. 
         "Fuck! What's happening?" Matt groaned.
     He suddenly felt a great squeezeing sensation on his upper torso. Tears came to his eyes when he felt his ribs begin to shrink, the sensation feeling like someone was crushing him.
         "Oh god!" He cried, his upper torso squeezing and compressing on itself.
        He felt a sharp pain run through his spine, his bones slightly shrinking down. Grasping the end of his shirt, he quickly pulled it off to see what was happening to him. Looking down at his torso Matt watched his very bones shifting under his skin. 
       His rib looked smaller, leaner than before. A strange pain came from his stomach. He felt his very organs in the lower half of his body shift and move. Tears began to fall from his face, the pain of his organs shifting was the worse pain he had ever felt. 
     Another groan escaped,his belly starting to pull in. The slight amount of fat that he had seem to just dissappear. His belly flattened that skink pulling tight against it.
            Matt felt an almost pushing sensation on his shoulders. A loud crack rung through the bedroom, his shoulder broke and reformed to be more sloped. 
          "What is happening? Please stop!" Matt cried, his arms cracking and shifting to be shorter. 
         He watched as his wrist seemed to break and reformed to be smaller, his arms and legs also lost all the fat and muscles, his hole frame looking thinner. 
         Deciding that he need to get out of the house, Matt started to make his way out of the bedroom. A sharp pain ran through his right foot, making Matt fall to the ground. 
         "Ow! Oh shit what the fuck!" He cried, trying to pull of his shoe. 
        Though he couldn't see it, each one of his toes shrunk smaller and popped out of the sockets. His whole foot also crunched down becoming more dainty.
       Matt had managed to pull of his sock just in time to see each one if his toes pop back into place, now smaller and cuter. He slowly rubbed his foot, noticing his nails seem to be cut neatly and tapered off, like he just got a pedicure. 
          "This is impossible! It has to be a dream." Matt cried, feeling small shifts and changes throughout his entire body.
        The painful feeling of his legs changing brought his attention to them. The jeans already looked slightly to baggy on his legs because the were now too skinny. Each leg pulled in becoming shorter. Matt continued to weep, watching his legs shrink before his very eyes.  
        Matt's breath caught in his chest when his spine snapped forward giving him a curved back. Sharp pain shot through Matt's head, his skull shrinking becoming smaller, he also felt a dull ache in his hips. 
       Matt felt his tears dripping down his chin, while he tried to catch his breath. He felt his neck shift and snap, growing slightly longer. He continued to cry, the feeling of his hips digging into his waist band now catching his attention. 
       He slowly unbukled his belt and slid his pant as much as possible from his sitting position. The feeling of his hips growing wider made Matt glance down at them. It was a dull pain, kind of like a growing pain from puberty. His hand then began to ache, as they began to change. Matt looked down at them, watching the bones shift and change under his skin. Each finger poped and shifted becoming thinner and slightly longer. 
     The width of his hand also shrunk down becoming more dainty. He watched his messy nail grow longer slightly. His hips also had finished there growth, just a slight sore feeling left behind. 
       Matt just sat there, sobbing lightly, the last of the aches and shifting fading slowly. Wiping his nose with his arm caused the light hair on his arm to fall away. Matt looked down at his smaller body, taking it all in. 
       Slowly getting to his feet with his sore shaky legs, Matt looked at his changed body. The pant he hand on slid down to his ankles, as he took in his changes. Slipping out of his right shoe and sock, Matt stepped out of his pants and walked towards the vanity. Unfortunately the mirror was too small to take in his whole form. Though he remembered from Martina's memories there was a full length mirror in the closet. 
        Walking to the closet door he opened it finally seeing his smaller body. His whole frame was smaller and more slender, his large face looking ridiculous on his smaller skull.
       "No fucking way." Matt gasped, his body looking very feminine to his eyes. 
     Running his hands over his body, he felt his body hair just brush away. Pulling down his boxer, he saw his penis sitting in between his wider hips looking extremely strange. He brushed the pubic hair, it falling away and landing on the ground. 
       Matt's mind race thinking about what had happened just before his body started to transform. He had accidentally said somthing that Martina always said, calling himself a bad bitch and putting two and two together it seemed that his body changed to match her frame and skeletal structure. 
        "I'm changing into Martina." Matt whispered, a cold chill going down his spine.
       His hands ran down his body feeling his softer skin, the feeling was familer to him thanks to Martina's memories.  
       Looking over towards his phone on the ground Matt thought about calling for help. Part of him wanted to looking back on how he turned his life around, though the memories that he had gained from Martina played in his mind. 
       Her life was very different than his, she had lots friends and extremely loving family and just a fun life. Was her job all that great, no, but she had full control of her hours and, was lots more fun than his office job. Also she was hot and sexy, way more confident than him and had her life together. 
      Matt looked away from his phone and then back at himself in the mirror. He took in his awkward looking reflection and continued to think about his future. 
        "Who wouldn't want to be a bad bitch like this." He said, a smile spreading across his face. 
        A tingle rushed through his body, causing his male organ to come alive. He gripped it with his softer hand feeling it grow to it full mast. A slight tickle on the top of his head caught his attention. Matt watched as his hair line shifted on the top of his head, getting prepared for Martina's full mane. 
      He felt his thighs begin to inflate slighly becoming pulmer. Stroking his cock slowly Matt watched his areolas slowly expand as a pleasurable pressure began to build behind them. The same pressure began to also build in his rear causing Matt to gasp out. 
      Turing around and looking over his shoulder Matt watched his butt growing. Each one of his butt cheeks slowly expanded becoming perky and round. It wasn't huge but it was pretty decent. With a groan Matt brought his left hand to squeeze the softer butt cheek. The new sensitive rear sending a rush of pleasure to his dick. 
      "Fuck! That feel much better than the first changes." Matt moaned, stroking his dick a little faster. 
         He felt somthing touching the top of his ears causing Matt to turn back around. He saw his hair was slowly creeping down his head the roots now taking on the dark shade of Martina. His testicles also began to shrink, transforming inside him to become somthing else. 
       The skin buldged slightly between his shrinking testicles, a small crease forming between them. His hand left his perky butt, snaking up to tweak his sensitive nipple, knowing what was coming next. He could feel his skin beginning to bulge underneath each one of his nipples.  
       "Oh fuck! That *crack* feels good." Matt moaned, hearing his voice beginning to change octave. 
       Matt stroked his cock faster, the feeling of his growing breasts making his climax approach more quickly. They bulged to a perky A Cup giving Matt enough skin to now squeeze. The crease opened between were his balls use to be, his proto pussy beginning to form.  
        "Come on girls*crack* your almost there." Matt moaned, watching the skin pushing out from his chest.
       His hair now reached past his cheeks creeping down to his jaw bone, the darker color now almost completely overtaking his lighter hair. A tingle began to spread through his face as it changed. His jaw snapped bringing his jaw line back, his chin also shrunk leaving it more pointed. 
     Opening his mouth he saw his teeth changing becoming smaller and whiter. His tongue also shrank to become smaller as well. Continuing to squeeze his growing breasts, Matt felt his new hole begin to lubricate itself and pull in his penis. 
       "Almost there *crack* baby!" Matt said to his own reflection. 
     The now completely dark hair now touching the top of his shoulders. Matt brought her left hand away from her now B Cup breast to run through her soft hair. His eyes lids opened wider giving her eyes a bigger looked to them, the iris changing from brown to a grayish blue. 
        His brow snapped up slightly, giving her eyebrows a arch to them, they also began to darken to match his hair, while his eyelashes became fuller and lengthened. The bridge of his nose shrunk down as his nostrils flared out. The tip of his nose also shrunk down becoming cuter.
        Matt stroked the last of his penis, it diminishing to a clit above her new pussy. "Mmmmmm! *crack* oh fuck there it is!" Matt moaned, her fingers probing the entrance of her new pussy.
      Squeezing her fully formed C Cup breasts, Matt watched her face finish its transformation. Her cheeks flattened slightly as the cheek bones snapped up. She watched he lips plump to a pout as her climax exploded through her new body.

   "Ooooohhhh! Mmmmmmm! Aaaaahhh!" Matt shuddered, the feeling of the female orgasm making her toes curl. 
      Matt gazed at her new reflection not believing what had just happened. She gripped her breast gazing at her self knowing that she just embraced her new life. 
       "God! I can't believe it. I'm her, the woman that had haunted my mind for the last half year." Matt said, the sound of his voice making him shiver. 
       The phone on the vanity began to ring, walking over to it Matt picked it up the facial recognition unlocking the phone. The word work was on the screen and she decided to answer.
        Hey Martina! We're you planning on working tonight or are you taking the night off. I know some of the other girls would love a shift tonight." The voice of Brett one of the managers asked.
        "Go ahead and let them work Brett I'm just going to chill at home." Matt said, walking over to her dresser and perusing the pantie selection. 
         "Sounds good Martina, when do you plan on coming in?" Brett asked shyly. 
      "Uh...probably monday." Matt answered not sure what to really say. 
       "Sounds good. Have a good weekend." Brett said ending the call.
         Matt put the phone down and threw on some purple panties. She walked over to the closet slipping on some sweats and a big t-shirt. Then she gathered up her old clothing and phone. She walked out to her old car and opened the back passenger door throwing all her old male stuff in the back. A pang of sadness passing through her. She had felt bad for Jessica knowing that he wouldn't be coming to that date. 
        "Hey!" A voice called out across the street. Matt looked up to see the woman that was unloading the groceries from earlier.  
      "Oh hey?" Matt called back as the woman approached. 
      "Just moved in huh?" The woman said. 
   "No I..." Matt began to say, knowing that in her memories as Martina she had been living here the last 7 months. 
       "I saw you drive up the street and just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood." The woman said, watching Matt closely. 
         "You saw me? Like...." Matt began.
   "Yeah I did. You look great by the way." The woman said. "I would also probably lock those keys in the car it will confuse the police." 
       "The police?" Matt asked, beginning to get nervous. 
       "Don't worry, they won't put two and two together" she said. "I'm Brooke." 
       "Martina." She said, shaking Brooke's hand.
       "Well I should get back home, I have a roommate moving in that's like us." Brooke said. 
       "Like us?" Martina asked.
   "Yeah. You know people who are lost and need a new lease on life." Brooke replied.

"Oh? Yeah that makes sense. " Martina replied, still no really understanding. 
       "Try not to think to much about it. Just embrace it okay Martina." Brooke said.
        Martina nodded watching Brooke walked back to her house across the street and saw car coming up the street. The car stopped infront of Brooke's house and a small chubby teen got out slowly. He started walking towards the door, in his hand she could barley make out a key.
         She watched the boy go inside the house slowly, now knowing that his journey was just beginning. Martina locked her old keys in the car infront of her and walked back into her house, excited to get more acquainted with her body.

        Two weeks pass and Martina embraced her life whole hardly, loveing every minute of it. Though she never gained anymore memories she was able to fill in the blanks with what she had. Once she transformed the world just kind of excepted that she had always existed. She was currently getting ready to go to a club with one of her friends from college that was in town. 

She snapped a picture of her self in the mirror to send to that guy she met last night, keeping him interested just incase she wanted a booty call. 
      The door bell rung making her jump slightly. At first she thought one of her three room mates was finally here, but rembered the should have gotten a mysterious key. She threw on a bra and dark t-shirt with her midriff exposed, grabbed her purse assuming it was probably just an Amazon delivery. 
       She heard the door bell ring again, and a loud knock following. With a sigh Martina walked down the stairs and opened the front door. She was greated by a very handsome man in a suit.
    "Hello there miss. Are you one of the owners of this house." The man asked.
     "Who's asking?" Martina purred taking in the man's appearance.  
       "I'm detective Jason Prince and I saw that the car infront of your house belongs to a missing person." The man said.

 "Oh! I've been curious who's car that was." She lied. "It's been there about two weeks I think." 
       The detective looked Martina up and down, taking in her appearance. She smiled watching the front of his pants buldge slightly.  
      "Do you know this man?" Jason asked holding up a photo of her old male self.
      "Ummmm. I don't think I do Jason." She replied, lying like an expert.  
       "You mind if I get your name miss?" Jason asked.
      "It's Martina Bell. " She replied, pushing her chest out slightly. 
      "Well miss bell this is going to sound crazy but I got this key in the mail this morning and a strange feeling lead me here. Then I saw that car and I thought maybe some one sent it to me to help find this man." Jason said, holding up a house key. 
      For a moment Martina saw Jason's figure dissappear and the figure of a woman in one of the empty rooms upstairs popped in her mind.

 "Well that sure is strange officer." Martina said, a smile creeping onto her face, seeing the woman Jason would become. 
      "This key doesn't happen to unlock this front door does it?" Jason asked.
       "I'm not sure officer? Feel free to try it though." She replied closing the door and walking towards the new car she had parked in the driveway. 
      "Unfortunately I have plans tonight Jason, good luck with your search." She said getting into her car and rolling down the driver side window.
        "Uh thanks miss." Jason replied, a strange feeling washing over him.
     "I'll see you when I get back." Martina said, driving away and leaving behind the confused detective. 
            She looked back in her rearview mirror as Jason slowly approached the front door key in hand. Knowing that when she got back she would finally have a roommate. 
      She glanced at her reflection in the mirror and smiled. She didn't know what the future held, but she did know she was happy and enjoying her new life and couldn't wait for Jason to embrace his.

*I don't own these pictures*


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